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Subject: Re: [ebxml-msg] How do you know where a message came from?


ATTENTION CPA TEAM:  Review Dan's posting and this reply carefully for a
possible new MSG-CPA interlock issue!

For addressing purposes, an MSH is named by its endpoint address (e.g.
URL).  That's where the physical message goes.  Glancing at the MSG
specification, I don't see From and To endpoint addresses in the message
header at all.  That's not a problem.  An implementation of the MSH would
simply pass the endpoint address down to the transport implementation when
sending the message. The destination endpoint address may or may not be
carried in the transport envelope; I don't know what those envelopes look

The endpoint address is provided in the CPA (or "virtual" CPA, as the case
may be) in the delivery channel's Endpoint element.  The destination's (To
Party's) delivery channel to be used is the one that goes with the service
and action.  The From party passes this endpoint address to its MSH along
with the payload and other parameters. The To Party uses the endpoint
address in the From party's corresponding delivery channel (the one that
goes with the matching service and action) to send the reply, again passing
the endpoint address to its MSH along with the payload and other

For MSH-originated messages, the MSH would have to look in the CPA to find
the correct destination address.  Since these messages are sent as a result
of received messages, it should be possible for the MSH to determine the
correct endpoint address for its message using information in the header of
the original message along with the CPA Id.



Martin W. Sachs
IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
P. O. B. 704
Yorktown Hts, NY 10598
914-784-7287;  IBM tie line 863-7287
Notes address:  Martin W Sachs/Watson/IBM
Internet address:  mwsachs @ us.ibm.com

Dan Weinreb <dlw@exceloncorp.com> on 10/11/2001 02:57:55 PM

Please respond to Dan Weinreb <dlw@exceloncorp.com>

To:   Martin W Sachs/Watson/IBM@IBMUS
cc:   ebxml-msg@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject:  [ebxml-msg] How do you know where a message came from?

Hi.  On the last day of the F2F meeting, we had a discussion about how
MSH's are named, i.e. if the From Application wants to tell the From
MSH to deliver a particular message to destination D, what is the
datatype of D?  I had thought that the answer was a PartyId, but you
and others explained to me that a PartyId value would typically
correspond to an entire corporation, which might have a large number
of distinct destination MSH's.  The datatype of D is really "URL".  If
an application wants to use the MS protocol, and wants to use a CPA,
it would look in the CPA's CPA/PartyInfo/Transport/@transportId
attribute in order to find the URL that names D.

I've been thinking about that, and I have a question: if my MSH
receives an ebXML message, how do I determine which MSH it came
from?  Previously, I had thought that MSH's were named by PartyId's,
and the source of the arriving message would be found in the
MessageHeader/From/PartyID field.  But now I don't know how to
determine the originating MSH.


-- Dan Weinreb

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