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Subject: RE: [ebxml-msg] Re: [ebxml-cppa] Proposed schema changes,plus illustrative examp le

This is the second time I have seen the MSH refered to as a library.  No, the
MSH has to be a program which runs continuously, not a set of libraries.  The
MSH may have callable routines which it uses like 'sign this payload' or
'encrypt this object' but the core MSH must be a process which runs all the
time.  How else would it continuously poll to know whether it was time to Retry
for RM?

There must be an API for other Applications to communicate with the MSH.  This
may at its most rudimentary be a directory where files are dumped and the MSH
polls to see if anything is waiting.  This may be more sophisticated to allow
Applications to have a direct API.  Either way, the MSH is not a library
function which is called or is under the control of an Application.


David Fischer
Drummond Group.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Weinreb [mailto:dlw@exceloncorp.com]
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2001 11:10 PM
To: mwsachs@us.ibm.com
Cc: Jzheng@vitria.com; dmoberg@cyclonecommerce.com;
ebxml-cppa@lists.oasis-open.org; ebxml-msg@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [ebxml-msg] Re: [ebxml-cppa] Proposed schema changes, plus
illustrative examp le

   Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2001 23:16:32 -0400
   From: "Martin W Sachs" <mwsachs@us.ibm.com>

							      It isn't obvious
   to me that any of the identifiers, endpoint addresses, or names that we
   have been discussing is appropriate for labelling a single MSH.

Surely the purpose of the ebXML MS protocol is primarily to get a message
from one point to another point.

When an application program utilizes a software library that
implements the MS protocol, the application program surely must say to
the software library "Here is a message, please send it to X", and
the job of the protocol is to get the message to X.

So there must be some answer to the question, what is X an instance
of?  And also, how are such instances named, what is the syntax for
such names, what is the namespace from which such names are drawn?

In the case of the Internet Protocol (IP), X is an instance of an
Internet Host.  They are named by IP addresses, whose syntax is a
32-bit unsigned integer.  There must be analogous answers for the
ebXML MS protocol.

I have been assuming that X's are instance of MSH's.  The naming is
still unclear.  But it seems to me that there simply has got to be
some common understanding of what X is an instance of, and how such
instance are named, in order for anyone to do anything useful with
an implementation of ebXML MS.

-- Dan

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