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Subject: [ebxml-msg] renumbered and revised editorial comments on v1.08

line 21 - fix URI, incorrectly references ebxml.org/specs/ location

section 1
line 226- s/for exchanging the electronic/for exchanging electronic/
line 229- s/ebXML-compliant//

section 1.1.1
line 243- s/Core Components/Core Functionality/ or possibly /Core
Messaging Features/ the concern is
     that "Core Components" will somehow be associated with ebXML's Core
line 228 - s/ebXML SOAP Header and Body,/ebXML SOAP Header and Body

section 1.1.4

line 301- s/transport protocols/communication protocols/

section 1.3.2
line 490- s/For example the following fragment:/The following fragment
is an example of the MIME headers for the
     multipart/related Message Package/
line 497- need to call this out more prominently

line 518- strike "For example:" and the ensuing example on line 485

section 1.3.4
line 541- s/MUST/SHOULD/ as this is not required
line 545- s/by/in/

secion 1.3.6
line 576- s/SOAP/SOAPATTACH/

section 2.2.2
line 632- s/ebXML TR&P team/OASIS ebXML Messaging TC/

section 2.2.5
line 698- s/Service/Module/

section 2.2.6
line 706-712- this is not enforcable since mU applies only to direct
child descendants of the
     SOAP-Env:Header element (SOAP header blocks)

	the TC agreed to remove this paragraph.

section 2.2.7
line 714- s/listed above/defined in this specification/

section 3.1.1
line 782- s/organisation/organization/
line 789- s/SHALL follow/SHALL immediately follow/

section example
line 811/815- if we're recommending that Role be a URI, then the
examples should reflect this

section 3.1.3
line 839 - ConversationId need not necesarily be unique "within the From
and To party pair". Rather, it needs to be unique within the context of
the specified CPAId.

section 3.1.4
line 862- I thought that we changed the URIs for the MSH services to be
URNs scoped to the
     OASIS URN namespace.

section 3.1.6
line 879 - and attributes? There are no attributes on this element.

line 907- s/parameter/element

section 3.2
line 970- s/data/payload data/

section 3.2.1
line 983 - if the intent is to allow for zero or more Schema elements,
then this should be made explicit. Same holds for Description I believe.

section 3.2.3
line 1032 - strike this sentence

section 4.1.1
line 1070/1071- strike sentence. refers to THIS section!

line 1225 s/between two ebXML/between two adjacent ebXML/

section signed attribute
line 1548/9 - s/Delivery Receipt/Acknowledgment/

section 10.1.2 sequence number
line 2141 - missing example!

section 11.2.1
line 2315 - s/nextMSH/toPartyMSH/

section 11.2.2
line 2332 - s/nextMSH/toPartyMSH/

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