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Subject: [ebxml-msg] MessageOrder Issue, Conversation Termination

I'd like to raise an issue regarding a deficiency in the MessageOrder 
Module.  As of 2.0c, there seems to be no way of indicating that a 
conversation is complete.  The receiving party must remember the last 
SequenceNumber received for each ConversationId indefinitely, because it 
must continue to expect more messages to arrive in that sequence.

I propose two solutions:

1.  For 2.0 errata, recommend that an implementation-dependent 
conversation timeout be chosen (or configurable).  It may be measured 
either from the 0th message's timestamp, or from the time of the last 
received message.  In the first case, the timeout must be greater than 
the expected conversation duration (if the process is specified by BPSS, 
timeToPerform may be used).  In the second case, the timeout must be 
greater than any expected message's TimeToLive, plus the expected 
interval between messages in the sequence.

2.  For a permanent solution in the next rev of the spec, add a value of 
"Last" to the SequenceNumber/@status enumeration, used to indicate the 
final message of the conversation.

Pete Wenzel <pete@seebeyond.com>
Standards & Product Strategy
+1-626-471-6311 (US-Pacific)

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