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Subject: RE: [ebxml-msg] Comments on Working Draft 06



-----Original Message-----
From: Ric Emery [mailto:remery@cyclonecommerce.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2005 1:39 PM
To: ebxml-msg@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [ebxml-msg] Comments on Working Draft 06


Here are a few minor editorial comments on Working Draft 06


701-702: 'In particular, this specification requires that header 

blocks supporting message reliability and security be understood by 

an MSH.'

      I am a bit uncomfortable with the word 'requires'. It gives me the 

feeling that it is required that an MSH implementation must support 

multiple Reliability Module specifications.


<JD> agree: I think we need to work in parallel on a comprehensive Conformance section that would spell out what is required and what is not. So the main body of the spec should not have to make such meta-statements. Even keywords like MUST, SHOULD, MAY should only be used where we are sure they will not conflict with possible conformance profiles.



844 - ' ebXML Messaging 3.0 does not define any extension elements 

for a SOAP Body'

      Is this necessary to say? If extension elements were defined we 

should point that out. Why point out the absence of defined extensions?


<JD> I guess that was to underline the contrast with ebMS2... But just the title of this small section is confusing. Maybe we can remove and put back this sentence in previous section?


1201-1202 - 'If a CPA is referred to by the eb:AgreementRef, the 

number of conversations related to this CPA must comply with CPA 

requirements. The value of eb:ConversationID MUST uniquely identify a 

conversation within the context of this CPA'.

      Good information, but i am not sure it belongs here. Seems to me 

that since CPAs are not required the CPA related implementation 

details may not belong. Though I could be convinced otherwise.


<JD> Right. It is more a matter of compliance of an implementation to this referred CPA than to ebMS spec. Agre to remove.


1266 - 'of the purpose or intent of the message'

      Should the word 'message' be modified to 'payload'?


<JD> yes.



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