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Subject: Re: Special Friday ebMS TC Call Now

Minutes from 05/18/2007 ebXML Messaging Services TC Conference Call


Regarding Pim's comments (Issue CORE-126), Pim is satisfied with
Jacques' proposals.  No further discussion raised on these points.
If Pete has any difficulty implementing the text changes, will
followup with Jacques.

CORE-108, Party ID type registries: Dale notes that CPP/A TC, prompted
by Yukinori Saito of ECOM, approved an appendix, which appears in a CD
of CPP/A 3.0 specification, which addresses specifically how to
construct PartyId/@type identifiers.  Recently modified as recommended
by Pim, to abbreviate some overly long identifiers.  Agreed to add an
informational reference to this work.  The 3 type schemes already
mentioned (carried over from ebMS 2.0) will remain, but hyperlinks
will be removed if they don't point to useful information about the

CORE-114, possible need for additional schema extension points: Agreed
to close with no action; large message handling can be solved by using
PartProperties, and no other use cases for schema extensions to the
UserMessage are known at this time.

CORE-122, reference: Agreed to add normative references to HTTP 1.1
and SMTP.

CORE-123, feature URIs: Agreed to add as proposed by Pete (minus
duplicates noted by Jacques).  Absence of @mpc and
mpc=".../defaultMPC" to be described as semantically equivalent.

CORE-101, Validate all XML example text against schema: Pete will
attempt, as time allows, but following other agreed text changes.  Ric
will also try to make time for this task.

CORE-115, Need a RDDL index to our documents (spec and schema).
Believe this is required, or at least strongly advisable, as part of
an OASIS Standard candidate submission.  Good examples exist (e.g.
WS-RX TC), which would be easy to modify for our purposes.  Pete will
work on after spec is complete, as time allows, but welcomes

Pete reminds everyone to attend next regular call, as we will need
quorum to request CS ballot.


Thus spoke Pete Wenzel (pete.wenzel@sun.com) on Fri, May 18, 2007 at 03:06:26PM -0700:
> Reminder, the extra ebMS TC call we scheduled is starting now, on the
> usual conference number (620-782-2200, 120905).
> --Pete
> Pete Wenzel <pete.wenzel@sun.com>
> Join the Open ESB Community <http://open-esb.org/>

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