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Subject: Changes Required to Submitted Document


Please make the following changes: 

1. On the title page, please add a Previous Version' section as shown in the template between 'This Version' and 'Latest Version'. Place 'N/A' in this section. 

2. In the 'Technical Committee' section, please add a hyperlink to the TC page. 

3. In the 'Related Work' section, please add hyperlinks to the listed documents. 

4. The 'Declared XML Namespace(s) section contains broken links. Please correct. 

5. In the 2nd and 4th paragraphs of the 'Status' section, the underlying hyperlinks (visible when you roll the cursor over the text) are broken. Please change to match those in the text. 

6. The Table of Contents header shows up twice. Please remove the second one. 

7. Please add a 'Revision History' appendix at the end of the document. 

8. In 'Normative References' and 'Non-Normative References', the OASIS references are not in the correct format. Please change per the following example: 
NOTE: The proper format for a citation to an OASIS Technical Committee's work (whether Normative or Non-Normative) is: 
Stage (Committee Draft 01, Committee Draft 02, Committee Specification 01, etc. or Standard) 
Title (italicized or in quotation marks) 
Approval Date (Month YYYY) 
URI of the actual Authoritative Specification (namespace is not acceptable as the content changes over time) 

For example: 

[EDXL-HAVE] OASIS Standard, "Emergency Data Exchange Language (EDXL) Hospital AVailability Exchange (HAVE) Version 1.0", November 2008. 
9. In 'Normative References', please hyperlink [EBMS3CORE]. 

10. In 'Normative References', please activate the hyperlinks for [SOAP11], [SOAP12], [WSIAP10], [WSIBSP10], [WSR11], [WSRM11], [WSS10], [WSS11], [XML10], [XMLDSIG], [XMLENC], [XMLNS], 

11. In 'Non-Normative References', the link for [ebCPPA 3.0] is incorrect. Please change to go directly to the document. 

12. In the 'Namespaces' section, ds through S12 have broken links. Please correct. Also, wsr, wsrm, wsse, and wsu have broken links. 

Kim Goolsby
Publications Specialist
OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society
email: kim.goolsby@oasis-open.org
web: www.oasis-open.org
phone: 1.734.223.6890

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