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election-services-comment message

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Subject: Re-send: Internationalization od OptionsList proposal

Apparently the list does not allow emails with attached files, so I'll 
resubmit the text of my last message plus a diff file showing the 
discussed part.

It is a diff between emlcore-v5.0.xsd (as in version 
EML-v5-0-schemas-070522) and our changes on the same file.
This is the diff text:

<     <xs:element name="ReferendumOption" type="ReferendumOptionStructure"/>
<     <xs:complexType name="ReferendumOptionStructure">
<         <xs:sequence>
<             <xs:element ref="ReferendumOptionIdentifier" />
<             <xs:element name="Messages" type="MessagesStructure"/>
<         </xs:sequence>
<     </xs:complexType>
<                         <xs:element ref="ReferendumOption" 
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
 >                         <xs:element ref="ReferendumOptionIdentifier" 

And here is the mentioned message, just in case it was filtered due to 
the attachments:


   In our effort to internationalize the referendum questions options, 
we have thought about some changes to the XSD that would help to better 
support it. The changes would affect the 6xx messages, and the only type 
affected is Proposal. We propose to change the Proposal/Options element, 
so that it is composed of ReferendumOption rather than 
ReferendumOptionIdentifier. ReferendumOption would be of type 
ReferendumOptionStructure and it is composed by a 
ReferendumOptionIdentifier and a Messages, as shown in the attached 
picture (OptionsListInternationalized.jpg). The current version (draft 
of 22nd of May) is also attached for reference (OptionsListCurrent.jpg).

   Another element that we found hard to internationalize is the Area: 
its definition is as follows:
   <xs:complexType name="AreaStructure">
           <xs:documentation>The geographical area (and its type, such 
as County) covered by a contest</xs:documentation>
           <xs:extension base="xs:token">
               <xs:attribute name="Type" type="xs:token" use="optional"/>
               <xs:attributeGroup ref="DisplayIdOpt"/>

   so, supporting multiple languages is not allowed. If the extended 
type were Messages instead of xs:token then any number of languages 
would be automatically supported.

   What do you think about these suggestions?

Thank you,

David Mas Santaló, Software Engineer

e-mail: david.mas@scytl.com
phone:  +34 934 230 324
fax:    +34 933 251 028

Scytl Secure Electronic Voting
C. Tuset 20 1-7
08006 Barcelona, Spain

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