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election-services message

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Subject: RE: Things to do - Use Case

Hi all,

	We need the actors and the actions/scenarios for building the use case. The
use cases should capture *all* the interactions/processes we plan to support
plus any out-of-band but relevant processes.

	As a start, here is what I have (I will start the use case diagram and add
it to a word document):

	Voter	- Votes
		- registers

	Voting system - Authenticates voter
			  - Authorizes Voter
			  - accepts and stores vote
                    - counts votes
                    - communicates results
                    - registers voters

      News organization - accepts results

      Govt Agencies - provide voter authentication
                    - provides voter authorization

	Please add your thoughts, ideas and experience. The XML structures we
develop would be to support these scenarios for example a voter reg
structure, a vote structure, authentication structure (from SAML),
authorization structure (from SAML), ...


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