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Subject: RE: [election-services] GAO VVSG response item #1

David, John,

That looks good to me. Three heads are better than one!



> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Webber (XML) [mailto:david@drrw.info]
> Sent: 11 July 2005 21:11
> To: Borras, John; Paul Spencer
> Cc: election-services@lists.oasis-open.org
> Subject: Re: [election-services] GAO VVSG response item #1
> John,
> Still needs few more tweaks here - to make sure associated parts remain
> together - little disjointed as it was - amended copy below.
> Also - I'm intending that we can send this to GAO as part of their request
> for comment on their VVSG1 - but there is more to be done on that
> front, so
> this piece should become part of that overall submission.  I'll
> work up some
> thoughts on a possible outline structure for a response that
> introduces EML
> to the GAO, and then suggests where their VVSG1 has opportunities to
> leverage EML.  We can then see who would like to spend their
> summer holidays
> typing some of that for us!
> DW
> <vote_process_terms>
>  Digital vote records, audit trail control and vote process configuration
>  and control scripts should be implemented, stored and prepared using
>  open public specifications which are royalty free and provide open
>  public license terms.  The configuration, rendering and transfer of
>  such records and voting content should use formats that utilize
>  content mark-up language techniques such as the widely adopted
>  Extensible Mark-up Language (XML) syntax along with content
>  formats such as those specified by the OASIS Election
>  Mark-up Language (EML) standard.  The process definitions
>  and implementations can then be independently verified and
>  compatibility certified.
> </vote_process_terms>

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