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Subject: Re: [election-services] EML 530 schema?

On Fri, May 1, 2009 at 1:18 PM, David RR Webber (XML) <david@drrw.info> wrote:
> Clarification.  I was the developer for the CA SoS schema - there is NO
> difference here!

Great, that's a good thing; obviously, something I didn't know.

> I just overlooked including it in the alpha package - and its already been
> posted umpteen times on our list in the V5 varient - Sven reminded me.

Ok, I can't find it.  I'll wait for Monday's update.

> Plus - if we did make changes - its our call; they then have to decide if
> they want to be conformant or not.

Yeah, I guess the thing that threw me was their doc that says 530
which is a schema for upcoming v5.5 EML.  Anyway, there's less of an
issue here than I thought and I apologize for raising a stink.

best, Joe

Joseph Lorenzo Hall
ACCURATE Postdoctoral Research Associate
UC Berkeley School of Information
Princeton Center for Information Technology Policy

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