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Subject: Fwd: [election-services] FW: 1622-2011 Approval Notification

Definitely a success for the TC's data structures, and a nice instance of cooperation with IEEE.  Congratulations.  Regards JBC
James Bryce Clark, General Counsel
OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society 


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: John Borras <johnaborras@yahoo.co.uk>
Date: Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 9:00 AM
Subject: [election-services] FW: 1622-2011 Approval Notification
To: election-services@lists.oasis-open.org

You will be pleased to hear this news as the IEEE standard is founded on EML ,which is excellent new for us.  Many thanks to everyone who has helped to build the bridge and let’s look to further productive collaboration.



John Borras


Chair OASIS E&VS Technical Committee


m. +(0)44 7976 157745

Skype:  gov3john


From: stds-1622@ieee.org [mailto:stds-1622@ieee.org] On Behalf Of Arthur Keller
Sent: 08 December 2011 16:53
Subject: Fwd: 1622-2011 Approval Notification


I am pleased to announce to the WG that our draft standard was approved by the IEEE-SA Standards Board yesterday, per the official notification below.


I would like to thank everyone for their hard work in getting to this point.  I especially want to thank John Wack, editor and vice chair, David Webber, Peter Zelechoski, Neal McBurnett, and Carmelo Montanez-Rivera for their extensive and crucial efforts.


I would also like to thank Malia Zaman, IEEE staff liaison, who deftly guided me through the process of working with IEEE SA.


I look forward to working with all of you in the development of future standards for voting systems.


Best regards,

Arthur Keller

Chair, P1622


From: k.evangelista@ieee.org

Date: Thu, 8 Dec 2011 10:24:12 -0500

8 December 2011

Arthur M. Keller
University of California, Santa Cruz
3881 Corina Way
Palo Alto, CA 94303-4507

cc:        Roger Fujii, C/SAB Sponsor
        Malia Zaman, Program Manager
        Kim Breitfelder, Manager Standards Publishing
        Clint Chaplin, Negative Balloter
        Charles Corry, Negative Balloter
        Stanley Klein, Negative Balloter
        Thomas Kurihara, Negative Balloter
        James Moore, Negative Balloter
        Richard Painter, Negative Balloter

RE: NEW P1622 (C/SAB) Standard for Electronic Distribution of Blank Ballots for Voting Systems

Dear Arthur,

I am pleased to inform you that P1622 was approved as a new standard by the IEEE-SA Standards Board on 7 December 2011. A copy of the document will be forwarded to the Standards Publications Department. The editor assigned to work on the project will contact you.

An approved IEEE standard will remain active for ten years. If the Sponsor does not complete a revision process within ten years, the standard will be transferred to inactive status.

It should be noted that any negative balloters have the right to appeal. Please consult the following web pages for information on this process:

Please contact me if you have any questions prior to speaking with your editor.  

Karen M. Evangelista
IEEE - SA Governance, Administrator
IEEE Standards Activities Department
445 Hoes Lane
Piscataway, NJ 08854-4141 USA
TEL: +1 732 562 3854
FAX: +1 732 796 6966




Arthur M. Keller, Ph.D., Technology and Information Management program,
University of California, Baskin School of Engineering
1156 High Street, Mailstop SOE3, Santa Cruz, CA  95066-1077
tel +1(831)459-1485, direct +1(650)424-0202, fax +1(650)424-0424

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