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Subject: Re: [emergency-adopt-docs] CAP Icon Question from Australian CAP Project [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

I apologize, Gregory,

I am having difficulty getting time set aside to finish this up, but never fear. I will get it done.


On 9/14/11 3:43 PM, Trott, Gregory wrote:
Thanks Rex.  Good to hear that the new CAP logo was approved at EM-TC.

I agreed with the rationale discussed at the last C&D SC meeting about the overhead that copyrighting the symbol would impose on OASIS.  However, I strongly suspect that Users will "assume" certain things if they see a CAP icon on an organisation's website (normal human nature isn't it) so I would like to encourage OASIS to circumvent any inappropriate assumptions being made by Users, by taking a proactive stance on this issue and explaining to Users what they should assume, whenever they see the CAP icon used on a website.

I would request the SC considers developing some wording to add to the future public release statement for the new CAP symbol, which explains the following issues to anyone who seeks to use the symbol on their websites:
1) Means there is a CAP feed available
2) Does not mean the CAP feed is wrapped in EDXL-DE
3) Does not mean the CAP feed is conforming to any particular standard

Finally, I will not need to participate in the next C&D SC meeting so you can leave the meeting plans as per current arrangements.


Greg Trott
CAP-AU Project Manager

-----Original Message-----
From: Rex Brooks [mailto:rex.brooks@ncoic.org]
Sent: Thursday, 15 September 2011 1:04 AM
To: Trott, Gregory
Cc: emergency-adopt-docs@lists.oasis-open.org; Elysa Jones
Subject: Re: [emergency-adopt-docs] CAP Icon Question from Australian CAP Project

Sorry for taking so long to get back to you on this, Gregory,

We approved the CAP Logo/Symbol at the EM TC meeting yesterday, but I forgot to bring up this specific issue. However, I will put this on the agenda for the C&D SC Meeting. That is next Tuesday, at our normal time.
If you want to have the meeting time slot changed to the 4:00 p.m.
Eastern (US) time, please reply to that effect and I will see if we can arrange it. It might need to be postponed by a week, but we can decide that on this list.

However, preliminarily, I don't think we can guarantee that use of the CAP Logo/Symbol will mean that EDXL-DE is used as the distribution mechanism unless we change our decision not to pursue formal copyright/trademark status through Official OASIS action.

We specifically chose to go the non-copyright/trademark route, and I think this applies to this specific issue, too. We simply don't have the personnel hours and organizational support based on this decision to enforce this kind of requirement. However, we certainly can ask those to whom we announce the availability of the CAP Logo/Symbol to use EDXL-DE or recommend it strongly.


On 9/4/11 7:44 PM, gregory.trott@ag.gov.au wrote:
Does use of proposed CAP Icon symbol enable CAP Consumers to assume the CAP message is wrapped in EDXL?

An Australian CAP user has asked this question about future use of the CAP icon symbol. They are interested to know whether use of the icon symbol will enable a CAP Consumer system to assume that any CAP messages being generated from a CAP Producer will be wrapped in EDXL?

The Australian User highlights that offering raw CAP, without any wrapping presumes a compliant Consumer.

I request that:
1) the C&D SC considers explicitly addressing this point in the
announcement / submission to the EM-TC; and
2) that OASIS identifies exactly what a CAP Consumer can assume will be available from any CAP Producer who uses the CAP Icon symbol to denote the availability of their CAP conforming data feed.
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