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emergency-adopt-events message

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Subject: IAEM Interoperability Demonstration

Attached is a draft of the third scenario. Please feel free to review the draft and make any recommendations. The COG assignment list is also attached.  The following items need to be covered during Thursday’s Events and Demonstrations call:

1.       Finalize the COG assignment list.

2.       Finalize the vendor assignments in each of the scenarios.

a.       We need to fill in the blanks with “who” will be sending and receiving messages. Please take a few minutes before the meeting to see where your technology fits best.

b.      When sending a message:

                                                               i.      Please post to each of the COG ID’s listed in the COG Assignment list. This way all technologies will have the ability to display the messages. This has been performed in each of our previous demonstrations and has proven successful.

3.       Make sure we have all of the CAP XML messages built for the event.

4.       Schedule a date and time early next week for a test run.


Thank You


Tom Ferrentino




Meeting Invite:


Description: Description: * IAEM Interoperability Demo Prep


Thursday, 21 October 2010,11:00am to 12:00 ET


(800) 320-4330
Pin 030657#


Thomas Ferrentino


Emergency Adoption Interop Demo




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<alert xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:emergency:cap:1.1" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"; xsi:schemaLocation="urn:oasis:names:tc:emergency:cap:1.1 Cap1_1Schema.xsd">
		<event>Radioactive Sensor</event>
		<senderName>USA Border Patrol North CBRNE Sensors</senderName>
		<headline>High Radioactive readings NORTH CBRNE Sensors at 10:45 AM EDT</headline>
		<description>..Higer than normal radioactive sensor readings have been loacated near the north CBRNE sensor panel. Please proceed with caution.
		<instruction>...HIGH Radioactive Sensor readings...Please proceed with caution...close off north booths and call local hazmat authorities.
			<areaDesc>Buffalo-Fort Erie Border Crossing-Radioactive Readings</areaDesc>
			<circle>42.9062740529211,-78.90140533447265 0.15</circle>

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