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emergency-adopt message

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Subject: Non-Standards Track Presentations

To the Emergency and Emergency Adoption TC Members:

It was agreed at yesterday's Board Process Committee meeting that, as has been the status quo up until the new Non-Standards Track went into effect, any deliverables (that is, either Standards Track or Non-Standards Track Work Products) that have been approved at a minimum as a Committee Note/Specification Draft can be published/presented as long as they adhere to the rules outlined in Section 2.18 (Quality), use approved templates and contain all of the required boilerplate notices, disclaimers, acknowledgements, etc.

Note that it's important to distinguish a 'deliverable' or 'work product' from an 'administrative document' - things such as project plans, timelines, status updates, etc. are not considered 'work products' but instead simply the normal project-related documentation that would accompany any project. Certainly anything that is displayed that contains the OASIS logo (different from an OASIS Member logo or an OASIS Standard logo) should first be approved by the TC, similar to the approval of meeting minutes, but would not use a work product template.

  Hopefully that alleviates your concerns (as it did mine!) but if you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to let me know. The FAQ will be updated to reflect this outcome and a more general announcement will be made on the tcmembers list.

Best regards,


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