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Subject: Re: [emergency-adopt] OASIS EMTC joint work with HL7 complete!

Thanks Elysa,

Title suggestion "Working Together From Incident to Hospital and Beyond."

Will do what I can.


On 7/14/2016 8:47 AM, Elysa Jones wrote:



We have a huge accomplishment to announce to the world.  The EMTC has completed the bi-directional transformation spec between HL7 messages and OASIS EDXL TEP and the document is published as a joint release between the SDOs.  It is available as a non-standard track document Committee Note (CN) and can be found in Kavi.  Chet of TC Admin will do a notice to all members soon.  NOW – as we look to publicity, the HL7 working group meeting in Baltimore, MD Sept 17-23 is going to be big for us.  We have just gotten approval to do a birds of a feather session to highlight our work.  We can do a demonstration Tues 9/20 from 5:15-6:15 with full room support for 1-1/2 hours with seating for 32.  We will also have opportunity to announce our session to the full general membership in a 5-min tickler as well as have information included in at least three publications.  We are reaching out to OASIS staff to help us with this.  We will stand up the Events & Demos SC of the EM Adoption TC to take this over.  There will be a meeting of this SC next week – look for the notice to both of these lists. 


What do we need NOW?  ASAP, we need a title for our Birds of a Feather Session.  The title will appear in all publications, should be catchy and describe what we have to highlight. 


Some titles of other BoFs:  “Adding ptients and caregivers to the flock”; Enterprise Architect”; Government round table – what is important for government employees to learn about how federal partners play in the standards space  (sorry – that one is paraphrased); “Podiatry needs functional profile now”


What will we do in our meeting?  We will discuss what players may be available, what s/w can be shown for a simple scenario.  Tim Grapes is going to help with the scenario.  He will also reach out to the practitioners from the live exercises to find a scenario snippet that would be of interest to this audience.  Patti has offered to do a presentation.  We will discuss the wording we would like in the collateral and what support we need.  We will pitch to OASIS Staff for help with funding this as it is an opportunity for OASIS to highlight their collaboration with other SDOs.  It will be good visibility for us all. 


Please reply with any interest you have in this work and especially any title you suggest for the BoF session!



Best regards,



Elysa Jones, Chair OASIS

Emergency Management Technical Committee

Emergency Interoperability Member Section



Rex Brooks
Starbourne Communications Design
Email: rexb@starbourne.com
1361 Addison St. Apt. A
Berkeley, CA 94702
Phone: 510-898-0670 

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