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Subject: RE: [emergency-cap-profiles] Australia input RE: [emergency-cap-profiles] Requirements Outline [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Hi Greg,


Thank you for your comments.  Yes, the Requirements Outline is prepared keeping in mind a Country or enterprise that is submitting their CAP Profile request to the SC as an initial document.  It may take a bit to get this outline finalized and in a form that we will begin to use.   I do not want to do anything that would hold up your effort.  I think you will find that your current document has all the information needed with the exception of those things not yet defined from an OASIS perspective.  The SC can of course comment on or drop this outline altogether but it was helpful to be sure we come up with a format that will capture all the good input from the three profile opportunities we have to date.  We may also agree in the SC to use your document exactly as it is for requirements definition for the CAP-AP.  


Jamie Clark, OASIS staff will be posting a note to this list addressing suggested process, maintenance issues, etc.  This will provide good discussion material for our meeting later today.






From: Trott, Gregory [mailto:Gregory.Trott@ag.gov.au]
Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2011 10:16 PM
To: emergency-cap-profiles@lists.oasis-open.org
Cc: Elysa Jones
Subject: [emergency-cap-profiles] Australia input RE: [emergency-cap-profiles] Requirements Outline [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]



CAP Profiles SC Members,


Good start Elysa.  Content of the draft Requirements Outline seems appropriate to me.  I can see the potential for this Outline to be useful to a Country that is just starting to develop their CAP Profile and I certainly see value and benefit in developing and agreeing requirements prior to drafting the actual Country Profile document into whatever format and structure OASIS will ultimately nominate.  


However, for Australia’s current CAP(AU)P development circumstances, I feel that the effort required to develop a Requirements Outline document for the Australian CAP Profile will NOT offer Australia any additional benefits at this critical time in our development cycle that would resolve our Request For Assistance tasks.   I readily admit that the outcomes of the discussions that we conducted during the Profiles SC call on May 4, 2011 did not resonate with me until I had some time after the call to consider what had been discussed.  Now that I see this first draft outline format, I believe that this Requirements Outline activity is not going to meet Australia’s immediate needs.


Consequently, during the next SC Call on May 11, I would like to explore what alternate steps could be instigated to provide Australia with a template for a Country Profile document structure that will be preferred by OASIS to insert our proposed profile information into.  The reason for this need are:

1) Australia’s current progress with development of the CAP(AU)P already positions us past the point where new requirements will emerge from the CAP Stakeholders in Australia because the Stakeholders have already reviewed and agreed upon the CAP-AP Requirements listed in Table 2 of the Discussion Paper (pages 13-17) during late-2010. 

2) As a consequence of that 2010 Stakeholder agreement, I am already developing a final document that captures all Stakeholder feedback from the Discussion paper review, and my current goal is to submit a revised document back to my CAP Stakeholders no later than 16 May, in order to provide sufficient time to conclude the review prior to the end of June 2011. 

3) The driver for my activity is the need to deliver a Stakeholder-endorsed CAP(AU)P document by the end of June 2011, so I must release a document to my Stakeholders by the end of this week (May 13) to meet that goal.  If I commit effort to step backwards and develop an Australian Requirements Outline document at this time, I will be unable to meet my schedule milestones.




Greg Trott

CAP(AU)P Project Manager

Australian Government Attorney-General's Department

Tel: +61 - 2 - 6141 3904  |  Mobile: +61 - 411 278 555

Email: Gregory.Trott@ag.gov.au


From: Elysa Jones [mailto:elysajones@yahoo.com]
Sent: Monday, 9 May 2011 2:17 AM
To: emergency-cap-profiles@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [emergency-cap-profiles] Requirements Outline




After a detailed review of the documents associated with the Canadian, US IPAWS and Australian CAP Profiles, I have developed the first draft of an outline format to be considered by the subcommittee.  The purpose of this exercise was to identify a format that could be used to capture the requirements for a Countries particular constraints to be considered in their National implementation of the CAP Standard.  (Don’t forget to consider how this might apply to an enterprise or organization.)  This information would then be provided to the SC as a contribution from which the Profile would be developed. 


Discussions during our last call raised two very valid points – one, how will the resulting profile document be maintained and under what authority; and two, couldn’t/shouldn’t there be different levels of “endorsement” that OASIS might consider with respect to the profile documents?  These are questions I agreed to take to OASIS staff and report back to the group on the Wed call or before on the list.  We do need to understand that any deviation from the TC process would likely take TAB approval and be out of scope for this exercise.  I do think that this is worth pursuing due to the unique nature of the CAP Standard and its relevance and necessary interoperability over National boundaries. 


You will note in the outline there are opportunities to define the goal of the organization seeking profile guidance to be defined; the maintenance process to be provided; the ownership, copyright and trademark issues to be provided; interests by joint standards bodies identified, as well as conformance and testing topics.  While the International Event list is not a specific topic in the outline it would be described in 3.5 and other sections.  My next step will be to go over these issues with OASIS staff to see what guidance they can provide given the uniqueness of the CAP Profile efforts.


During the call on Wed, I will go over each of these outline points, relate the OASIS staff guidance (they may attend the call as well) and take any input on the outline itself. 






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