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Subject: Re: [emergency-cap-profiles] Discussion topics for CAP-AU Profile meeting

Hi Elysa, Chet, Everyone,

In my last previous post on this topic I suggested we could use the OASIS URN if a urn or "pseudo-urn" was needed for the Australian Profile of CAP. This was prior to learning that this was based on the Canadian CAP Profile. I provided links to the IETF RFC for an URN Namespace for OASIS. Subsequently it came to my attention that we might want to also review the current OASIS Naming Directives

To wit: OASIS says in the Naming Directives of 2010, and see the references for W3C findings:

"Non-information resources using identifiers associated with XML namespaces may be based upon any HTTP scheme URI XML namespace declared by the TC (i.e., identifiers for named properties, functions, dialects, faults, actions, or any named message types)."

Viz., identifiers for any constructs in a an abstract "space" of "names" bounded only by the initial components in string identifiers


Note: As a TC which has used URNs, we can continue to use them but are not required to use them, and they continue to be a mechanism we have available to us. To be honest, so many uses for identifiers have cropped up over the ten years since the oasis urn namespace was established that we could get really bogged down in this discussion, so I hope we can arrive at a conclusion that neither requires delays nor unduly limits future uses.


On 11/28/11 7:05 AM, Elysa Jones wrote:

Hi Chet,


Thank you for making the time for a call with the CAP-Profiles SC.  The topics we would like to discuss today are on the attached meeting agenda.  “See” you on the call at 4ET.


Kind regards,


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