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Subject: Re: [emergency-msg] Special Meeting Friday: Fwd: CAP spec questions

> Since no one has expressed an opinion about this, I'm going to 
> schedule a meeting Friday at 11:00 a.m. Eastern Time because its too 

I do have another call that conflicts with this time.  Earlier that morning or after 1pm is open.

As for how to handle the changes, I was thinking the process could go as such.  I'll post both a clean draft ( 05 ) and track changes version (between 04 and 05) that includes the updates for review and send it to the Msgs and TC lists for review prior to Tuesdays TC meeting.  Then at the meeting, the TC votes to accept the original 04 draft as voted on by the Msgs SC.  Then the TC can vote to accept the changes in the 05 draft to be applied to 04.  Any discussion regarding these changes can take place as part of this vote.  So it would be the TC making the changes to the 04 draft as part of its review and acceptance.

The current drafts are also missing the updated list of TC members as contributors.  If I can get a roster list of names/affiliations sent to me I can add this as part of the 05 draft.

> Can you reply with your thoughts and let us know if you can upload 
> another version that reflects these bullets so we can review it 
> before Friday?

I can upload one today, although it would be nice to have the updated contributor roster so it will reflect those changes as well.


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