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Subject: CAPv1.1-errata1.doc uploaded for consideration in today's TCMeeting

Hi Everyone,

I finally got around to getting started on my overdue Action Item: 
the CAP v1.1 errata. In compliance with TC Process:

3.5 Approved Errata

A TC may approve a set of Errata to an OASIS Standard as "Approved 
Errata" to the corrected specification by:

(a) Adopting the set of proposed corrections as a Committee Draft, in 
the form of a list of changes, and optionally accompanied by a copy 
of the original specification text marked to incorporate the proposed 

(b) Confirming by Full Majority Vote that the proposed corrections do 
not constitute a Substantive Change.

(c) Submitting the proposed corrections for a 15-day public review, 
and completing that review, pursuant to Section 3.4.

(d) After the public review, confirming the the proposed corrections 
as Approved Errata by a Full Majority Vote.

Once approved, the Approved Errata shall be with the specification it 
corrects, in any publication of that specification. Disposition of 
Approved Errata must be identified in the subsequent Public Review 
Draft of the corrected specification.

A TC may not adopt Approved Errata to an OASIS Standard more than 
once in any consecutive six-month period.

I have uploaded a short description of the errata and the specific 
section of the .xsd file to be changed in order to make the schema 
consistent with the specification by including the enumeration value 
of "Assess" in the element: responseType.

I have also uploaded the full text of the specification as a Word 
.doc file with the note that I will create the other versions when 
this is approved.

This should be sufficient for us to vote on the errata and move to a 
15-day public review.

Rex Brooks
President, CEO
Starbourne Communications Design
GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison
Berkeley, CA 94702
Tel: 510-849-2309

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