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Subject: NIEM EM-Domain and EDXL



We have had a request to move the NIEM EM-Domain presentation to our RIM-SC to the Aug 20th meeting.  However, after speaking with their team,  Thursdays are never good days due to other required meetings involving many participants. 


As we anticipate further engagement with this group, I would like the RIM-SC to consider moving your regular meetings from 12-1ET Thurs to 1-2ET on Tuesdays.  This would follow the EM Adoption meetings.  The downside to this time is that it is pretty late for our colleagues in Europe and the UK.    Another option may be to do the meetings prior to the Adoption meetings. 


We would have the first of these meetings Aug 18th where the NIEM folks would do the presentation that has been rescheduled due to conflicts.  Let me know your thoughts.




Elysa Jones, Chair OASIS

Emergency Management Technical Committee

Emergency Interoperability Member Section




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