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Subject: EI-TC Wed draft agenda



Good morning. Sorry for delaying this to this morning and hope many of you can make it despite the Aug vacations.


EI-TC Draft agenda for 8/19 call, 11:00am EST, 8:00am PST

1.       Roll call

2.       Approve July 29 and Aug 12 minutes (check the meeting notes section of http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/energyinterop/documents.php?expand_folder_id=2221#folder_2221)

3.       DRDERaction@nist.gov – enrollment question. Who should be subscribed? How to use this tool (interaction on task items with UCA/NAESB others) 3 min

4.       Update on NAESB interactions (Bill Cox)

5.       DR data model – what is in OpenADR now vs what we need. Present current schema (EdK/Rish), then open discussion on needed changes (say, to meet needs of DR outside CA, or storage, or DG). Pure pricing versus what we need now. Focus on the smart client. 20 min

6.       ISO requirements and what impact on OpenADR to satisfy their requirements or else what to NOT address in OpenADR (Ed Cazalet) M&V (what results), and bidding. ISOs care about getting what the customer promised, not where it came from. Ahead of time—how much of the resource is available? How much can I get if I send a signal out now? Bidding helps satisfy that need. But under voluntary participation how do they know? Do ISOs issue DR events and to whom?  How do they use prices? What is ISO NE using DNP3 for now? 20 min


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1-866-740-1260, 4866768#


David Holmberg


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