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entity-resolution message

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Subject: Re: Unwrapping urn:public:...

John Cowan wrote:

>Queries are *part* of the URL. The RFC says so. End of story.

No, the part to the right of the '?' is the action performed at the page refered to in the url.

>Not later than HMTL 4.01.

HTML 4.01 only refers to representing the whitespace in *Control names and values* as '+' in regards to the passing of information on forms, not to the calling of urls.

XLink is more recent than HTML 4.01.

David Leland
jcowan@reutershealth.com wrote on 5/11/01 4:59:00 PM
dcpleland@ftnetwork.com wrote:

> Precisely.  The query part includes '+'.  Not the URL part.

Queries are *part* of the URL.  The RFC says so.  End of story.

> readability means communication.  that means speaking a common language.

It also means not requiring people to input more gobbledygook than
absolutely necessary.

> That means using the escapement that people are accustomed to.


>  That means using '%20' as the escapement for white spaces in URLs.


> Which means rfc2396 is the best example, as it is 1. latest in time,

Not later than HMTL 4.01.


There is / one art             || John Cowan <jcowan@reutershealth.com>
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