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entity-resolution message

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Subject: Re: [entity-resolution] pointers to articles, software documentation,etc

Lauren Wood wrote:

> Please add any other useful sites you find to this list. They are in 
> no particular order within the categories. Note that not all of this 
> material talks about the latest version of the catalog spec.  

I put together small catalog of applications that support catalogs (see 
attached XML file). In the catalog there are some more detailed 
informations like catalog formats supported, catalog library used and so 
on. I would welcome any comments to set of properties that are used to 
describe applications and new entries as well.

Once this list of implementations will be more complete I can create 
simple XSLT stylesheet that will produce HTML page suitable for placing 
somewhere on OASIS site. Lauren, is this viable?


   Jirka Kosek     e-mail: jirka@kosek.cz     http://www.kosek.cz
   Profesionální školení a poradenství v oblasti technologií XML.
      Podívejte se na náš nově spuštěný web http://DocBook.cz
        Podrobný přehled školení http://xmlguru.cz/skoleni/
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- $Id: implementations.xml,v 1.3 2005/06/29 10:33:58 jkj Exp $ -->
<catalog xmlns="urn:cz-kosek:ns:catalog">
  <!-- List of libraries -->
  <library xml:id="resolver" format="xml sgml">
    <name url="http://xml.apache.org/commons/components/resolver/index.html";>Resolver</name>
    <vendor>Norman Walsh</vendor>

  <library xml:id="libxml2" format="xml sgml">
    <name url="http://www.xmlsoft.org/catalog.html";>libxml2</name>
    <vendor>Daniel Veillard</vendor>
    <platform>Written in C, works in almost any operating system</platform>

  <library xml:id="suite4" format="xml sgml">
    <name url="http://4suite.org/";>4Suite</name>
    <description>4Suiteā„¢: an open-source platform for XML and RDF processing</description>

  <!-- List of applications -->
  <application uses="resolver">
    <name url="http://www.oxygenxml.com/";>oXygen</name>
    <vendor url="http://www.sync.ro/";>Syncro Soft</vendor>
    <description>XML editor and XSLT debugger.</description>

  <application uses="resolver">
    <name url="http://www.morphon.com/";>Morphon</name>
    <description>XML WYSIWYG editor.</description>

  <application uses="resolver">
    <name url="http://www.jedit.org";>jEdit</name>
    <description>Programmers text editor.</description>

  <application format="sgml">
    <name url="http://www.arbortext.com/products/epic_editor.htm";>Epic Editor</name>
    <vendor url="http://www.arbortext.com/";>Arbortext</vendor>
    <description>XML/SGML WYSIWYG editor.</description>
    <platform>Windows Solaris</platform>

  <application format="sgml">
    <name url="http://xmetal.com/";>XMetaL</name>
    <vendor url="http://www.blastradius.com/";>Blast Radius</vendor>
    <description>XML/SGML WYSIWYG editor.</description>

  <application format="sgml">
    <description>SGML/XML editing mode for Emacs text editor.</description>

  <application format="xml sgml">
    <name url="http://stylusstudio.com/";>Stylus Studio</name>
    <vendor url="http://www.datadirect.com/";>DataDirect Technologies</vendor>

  <application format="xml sgml">
    <name url="http://xmlcatmgr.sourceforge.net/";>XML Catalog Manager</name>
    <vendor>Julio M. Merino Vidal</vendor>
    <description>XML Catalog Manager (xmlcatmgr in its short form) is a small utility used to manipulate SGML and XML catalogs.</description>

  <application uses="resolver">
    <name url="http://cocoon.apache.org/";>Apache Cocoon</name>
    <description>Apache Cocoon is a web development framework built around the concepts of separation of concerns (making sure people can interact and collaborate on a project, without stepping on each other toes) and component-based web development.</description>

  <application uses="resolver">
    <name url="http://forrest.apache.org/";>Apache Forrest</name>
    <description>Apache Forrest is a publishing framework that transforms input from various sources into a unified presentation in one or more output formats. The modular and extensible plugin architecture is based on Apache Cocoon and relevant standards, which separates presentation from content. Forrest can generate static documents, or be used as a dynamic server, or be deployed by its automated facility.</description>

  <application format="xml">
    <name url="http://www.elcel.com/products/xmlvalidman.html";>xmlvalid</name>
    <vendor url="http://www.elcel.com/";>ElCel Technology</vendor>
    <description>xmlvalid is a command-line utility for validating XML files.</description>

  <!-- List of catalog file formats -->
  <format xml:id="xml">
    <name url="http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/12075/xml-catalogs.html";>XML Catalogs</name>

  <format xml:id="sgml">
    <name url="http://www.oasis-open.org/specs/a401.htm";>OASIS TR9401</name>

## Catalog of XML Catalog aware applications and libraries
# $Id: catalog.rnc,v 1.2 2005/06/29 10:35:31 jkj Exp $

default namespace = "urn:cz-kosek:ns:catalog"

start = 
  element catalog 
    ## library that implements XML catalogs
    element library { library.content }*,
    ## application that supports XML catalogs
    element application { application.content }*,
    ## description of catalog format
    element format { format.content }*

## content model shared between libraries and applications
common.content =
  ## name of library/application
  element name { attribute url { xsd:anyURI }?, text },
  ## vendor of software
  element vendor { attribute url { xsd:anyURI }?, text }?,
  ## short description
  element description { text }?,
  ## supported platforms
  element platform { text }?,
  ## supported formats of catalog files
  attribute format { xsd:IDREFS }?
## content model for XML catalog library  
library.content = 
  attribute xml:id { xsd:ID },
## content model for application
application.content =
  ## underlying XML catalog library used 
  attribute uses { xsd:IDREF }?
## content model for catalog file format
format.content =
  attribute xml:id { xsd:ID },
  ## name and location of specification
  element name { attribute url { xsd:anyURI }?, text }

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