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Subject: Case in Point-cultural Module:IslamicFundamentalism?

The Subject Line here ends in a question mark because what I'm 
attempting to start is a discussion on how we can go about building 
such a culturalModule that is as accurate as possible. There are at 
least three major considerations in this effort that I can recognize 
at the moment.

1. To get accurate information requires at the least more than one 
active member of this broad cultural group, hopefully from more than 
one of the following sub-groups: national, schismatic, and ethnic 
that produce and harbor such humans. That includes but is not limited 
to, Shiites, Sunnis, Arabs, Lenbanese, Persians, Balkans, Slavs, 
Greeks Palestinians, Jordanians, Saudis, Yemenis,  Morrocans, 
Algerians, Tunisians, Libyans, Egyptians, Iranians, Indians, 
Turkmenistanis, Uzbekhistantis, Azerbaijanis,  Afghanis, Pakhistanis, 
Gulf State nationals and more.

Does anyone believe these humans do NOT want to be heard and 
understood on their own terms?

2. For this, or any,  culturalModule:  we need a way to be perceived 
in our work as being, at the least, without ulterior motives or 
hidden agendas. We need to be perceived as unbiased, as setting our 
standards and goals at absolute unvarnished truth while acknowledging 
that such is not feasible or actually possible in totality.

How our information can be used needs to be understood so that those 
who might be mistrustful understand that what we are doing is 
providing them with a way to be understood correctly, and thus to 
control how THEY are perceived. We need them to understand that this 
gives them a way to have some measure of control over how THEY can be 
used or misused, and how they can use this information to correct 
misuse or abuse or misinformation.

3. We must eliminate emotional connotations from coloring how such a 
culturalModule: is constructed.

No mean feat.

Rex Brooks
GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison, Berkeley, CA, 94702 USA, Earth
W3Address: http://www.starbourne.com
Email: rexb@starbourne.com
Tel: 510-849-2309
Fax: By Request

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