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Subject: HM.Requirement: authority (Re: Case in Point-culturalModule:IslamicFundamentalism?)

> A way to do that is to design the markup
> and other data modules such that it is apparent
> on inspection what information is to be gathered.
> Resist the temptation to order the world of
> others.  They have the right to their anarchy
> and we can only provide tools for those with the
> will to be understood to work out an understanding.

That is a very important point, and fundamental to our design.  Thus...


"The frameworks/modules we make explicit will of SHOULD take into account
the authority(ies) who lead to their created" ( whether it be the musings on
this discussion forum, representative of the individuals responsible for
certain actions, or representative of the large organizations directly. )

Points of contention of course will exist between the different
perspectives.  Yet, we will not be choosing/debating/deciding on these
structures.  The differences can be made explicit, and if necessary,
accessible through alternate namespaces.

   We would have:
      Arab -- Ranjeeth Perspective
      Arab -- Palestinian Perspective
      Arab -- US/NewYork Perspective

The differences between them can be mapped, transformed, made explicit and
clear...within a framework, and between frameworks.  Again, there is no
limit to how many 'perspectives' are possible. Our job is at this stage to
provide a unique and explicit meeting ground for them through XML

Ranjeeth Kumar Thunga

Ranjeeth Kumar Thunga

that is as accurate as possible. There are at
> least three major considerations in this effort that I can recognize
> at the moment.
> 1. To get accurate information requires at the least more than one
> active member of this broad cultural group, hopefully from more than
> one of the following sub-groups: national, schismatic, and ethnic
> that produce and harbor such humans. That includes but is not limited
> to, Shiites, Sunnis, Arabs, Lenbanese, Persians, Balkans, Slavs,
> Greeks Palestinians, Jordanians, Saudis, Yemenis,  Morrocans,
> Algerians, Tunisians, Libyans, Egyptians, Iranians, Indians,
> Turkmenistanis, Uzbekhistantis, Azerbaijanis,  Afghanis, Pakhistanis,
> Gulf State nationals and more.
> Does anyone believe these humans do NOT want to be heard and
> understood on their own terms?
> 2. For this, or any,  culturalModule:  we need a way to be perceived
> in our work as being, at the least, without ulterior motives or
> hidden agendas. We need to be perceived as unbiased, as setting our
> standards and goals at absolute unvarnished truth while acknowledging
> that such is not feasible or actually possible in totality.
> How our information can be used needs to be understood so that those
> who might be mistrustful understand that what we are doing is
> providing them with a way to be understood correctly, and thus to
> control how THEY are perceived. We need them to understand that this
> gives them a way to have some measure of control over how THEY can be
> used or misused, and how they can use this information to correct
> misuse or abuse or misinformation.
> 3. We must eliminate emotional connotations from coloring how such a
> culturalModule: is constructed.
> No mean feat.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
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