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Subject: Re: TC.Projectplan: R&D Roles: HumanML_Write Facilitator

Thanks Joe.  This will make things a lot easier.
A couple of added points:
-Everything will have to be under OASIS's copyright/IPR for HumanML_Write.  OASIS will make sure the work is open-source and non-proprietary.
-Although there are some arguments against HumanMarkup TC including HumanML_Write, I wanted to emphasize it does go hand in hand with the XML specs at OASIS...the Amaya analogy makes perfect sense.  Of course, OASIS doesn't have a collaborative environment, so we could use ArgoUML and/or other tools/environments for the actual development of the project.
Ranjeeth Kumar Thunga
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, September 28, 2001 3:50 PM
Subject: TC.Projectplan: R&D Roles: HumanML_Write Facilitator

TC.Projectplan:  R&D Roles:  HumanML_Write Facilitator
HumanML_Write Facilitator: Joseph Norris
September 28, 2001
Research and Development Roles
I) Role 1: To Establish Guidelines for HumanMarkup Showcase Application Development
 a) Programs shall be free of copyrights and any form of legal encumbrances
 b) All program source code shall be made available to all users
 c) Facilitator is to develop, maintain, and edit list of deliverables
 d) Programs shall not be developed for commercial purposes
 e) Programming analogy --- > Amaya:W3C :: HumanML_Write:HumanMarkup
II) Role 2: Define Norms and Standard Methodologies for Development, Programming, and Collaboration
 a) Facilitator shall ensure that coding is consistent with HumanMarkup Technical Committee goals
 b) All classes, objects, and methods should be developed from UML (Unified Modeling Language)
 c) Facilitator shall take efforts to ensure that any developed applications are platform independent
 d) Collaborative programming efforts should seek to use Extreme Programming methodologies
III) Role 3: To Ensure all Development Projects conforms to HumanMarkup Specifications
 a) All submissions, revisions, and proposed changes shall conform with the Specifications set forward by the HumanMarkup Technical Committee
 b) Facilitator shall seek the support of the various researchers within the community to assure code compliance with HumanMarkup specifications
IV) Role 4: To Provide Support and Outreach to Outside Communities
 a) Facilitator shall seek outside open-source support in the development of specialized tools that can aid in the showcasing of HM technologies

1) Maintain current Visual Basic version of HumanML_Write
2) Port current version to WWW based and platform independent Java Applet
***More specific deliverables TBA***

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