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Subject: RE: [humanmarkup-comment] Re: [humanmarkup] An Institutional Scen ario

Taking the bait, what is HR-XML?


-----Original Message-----
From: Rex Brooks [mailto:rexb@starbourne.com]

This is more or less correct. We are now looking in a more structured 
way for requirements from specific application areas and checking to 
be sure that our vocabularies match up with our intended market, so 
to speak.  Outreach is a consequence of this effort, because we are 
seeking information from sources who should be informed now that what 
we are doing will have an effect upon them and so, in their own self 
interest, it behooves them to at least be aware of us if not actually 
joining us to ensure their own interoperability with our standard. 
Also, we need someone who can step up and make it their special task 
to examine and document if possible the areas of overlap between us 
and HR-XML.

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