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Subject: [humanmarkup-comment] TC Monthly Minutes

Title: TC Monthly Minutes
Greetings Everyone,

I found a minor error and corrected it. So, here is the correct posting. Sorry, it's one of those human things.

Here are the minutes for this month's meeting:

Here are the TC Minutes, which I will link to this post Sunday, September 22, 2002 on the TC website.

September 18, 2002

Teleconference meeting of the OASIS HumanMarkup Technical Committee.

USA Toll Free Number: 888-576-9014
USA Toll Number: +1-773-756-0201

Roll Call:
Voting Members:

Philip Rossomando
James Landrum
Ranjeeth Kumar Thunga
Rex Brooks
Rob Nixon
Joe Norris
Emmanueil Batsis by proxy
Minutes taken by TC Secretary Rex Brooks

Meeting convened12:05 p.m. Eastern Time

This meeting was on our normally scheduled third Wednesday of the Month.

We had a bare quorum.

The first item of business in this meeting was a motion, which passed without dissent, to, in effect, grandfather into TC membership as invited expert Emmanueil (Manos) Batsis as was Kurt Cagle previously in order to ensure the continuity of our work, until they can renew their memberships, especially at this time. This followed a prior conversation held on YahooIM chat between Manos and Rex, in which this was discussed and some work agreed upon. The transcription follows:
rexbroo: If you see this, before 8 pm your time and you want to chat a bit before the Tc meeting. I'm trying to keep an eye open for you.
rexbroo: Hi Manos
rexbroo: Oops, I disconnected myself there.
xcircuit: dont have much time; about yesterday's posts, I can make a sample RDF Schema to demonstrate the ideas mentioned if people are interested in it
rexbroo: I certainly am interested.
rexbroo: I'm sure James Landrum will be, too.
xcircuit: ok, you'll have it by monday, if not sooner
rexbroo: Cool!
xcircuit: I just want to see some reactions on it...
rexbroo: I'm really pleased about it. It just makes so much sense to me.
xcircuit: i'm glad it does
xcircuit: u know me; i like conversations around code
rexbroo: yeah
xcircuit: so, I hope this will help getting the conversation going
rexbroo: it will.
rexbroo: I will let everyone know in the meeting.
xcircuit: plus it will help in getting Len's idea forward (about RDF friendly markup and combos of schema languages
rexbroo: exactly
rexbroo: I'm realy looking forward to it.
rexbroo: Tanks for getting back to me on this.
rexbroo: Thanks!
xcircuit: u r welcome
xcircuit: anything else i might help with?
rexbroo: I'll let you go now, but boy I would really like to just chain you to a keyboard--kidding1
xcircuit: lol
rexbroo: Kidding!
rexbroo: Take Care.
xcircuit: BTW, u know my oasis membership has expired for months
xcircuit: we'll probably have problems with this; i dont plan to refresh it till december...
rexbroo: That's okay. you are an invited expert, along with Kurt who is in the same boat.
xcircuit: ah, ok
xcircuit: oh
xcircuit: please update my mail info on the TC page; I am an employee of Broker Systems no longer
rexbroo: okay, will do.
xcircuit: thanks
rexbroo: You're very welcome.
rexbroo: Talk to ya later...
xcircuit: ok Rex, u guys have a productive meeting
xcircuit: say hi for me
rexbroo: thanks
rexbroo: will do
Yahoo! Messenger: xcircuit has logged out. (9/18/2002 at 8:01 AM
It is hoped that after our TC submits its first specification for approval as a TC Recommendation, a bit more substantive involvement in our work will evolve from corporate OASIS members. --Secretaries Note.

We continued on to the next item of business as, Rex mentioned, and Ranjeeth concurred, that by OASIS policy we were required to drop Sudhakar Gorti from our membership until he formally requests membership again. It is to be hoped that he will do so, and it was left undecided what we will do to establish new leadership for the Human Physical Characteristics Description Markup Language Subcommittee. While not formally addressed, it appears safe to say that we will revisit this after the Primary Base XML Schema of the Human Markup Language has been submitted for OASIS Approval.

It was also mentioned that the notification sent to Sudhakar Gorti was replied to automatically with a brief form message stating Sudhakar's absence from his office.

The next item of business was to discuss the necessity of postponing our target date for completing the initial preparation of the first draft of the Primary Base Schema from September 31, 2002 to Octo. 30. 2002. This was also agreed to without dissent. Such actions are not unusual in OASIS, and Rex noted that the Web Services for Interactive Applications Technical Committee has also postponed the target date for completing the first draft of the WSRP-WSIA Joint Interface Specification.

We moved on to new business at this point, and Philip expressed a wish to work with someone who could direct him to contribute appropriate work to the TC, to which Rex responded that following the completion of the first draft of the Primary Base Schema, he would be turning his attention to the Human Physical Characteristics Description ML work with the specific task in mind of completing a sample implementation in parallel with that work and that would require quite a bit of work which he would gladly prefer to pass along to Philip. This work is likely to be a compilation of resources relating to this work from medical, biometric and computer communities with whose standards and systems we must ensure that our work is interoperable and compatible.

As part of a renewed discussion proceeding from the point at which the email discussion has last reached, using the change of the element name of measurement to measurement_unit which he had suggested and we approved, James Landrum then gave us a brief discussion of the CIDOC CRM Symposium, the CFP for which follows:

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: CIDOC CRM Symposium
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 2002 14:04:30 +0100
From: William Kilbride <wgk1@YORK.AC.UK>
Reply-To: William Kilbride <wgk1@YORK.AC.UK>

Invitation and Call for Participation:


International CIDOC CRM Symposium
March 26 2003 2:00 - 6:00
March 27 2003 9:00 - 5:00

The CIDOC CRM Special Interest Group  and the Smithsonian Institution
invite you to a two-day International Symposium designed to bring
together researchers and practitioners in information provision and
exchange, be it within organizations or on the envisaged Semantic Web,
in the area of scientific and cultural heritage, with the goal to
present and discuss technical, organizational, and philosophical issues
of effectively sharing knowledge among museums, libraries, and archives
and integrating information within cultural institutions.

The program will comprise invited talks, submitted papers, and panel
Paper submissions are welcome on the following topics:
- scalable knowledge sharing architectures for intra-organizational
- scalable knowledge sharing architectures for the Internet;
- key components for knowledge sharing: ontologies, contextual
    identification, persistence;
- documentation practices enabling effective knowledge sharing;
- metadata schemes for cross-domain searching;
- success stories of knowledge sharing;
- social, organizational, and technical factors;
- the role of trust in knowledge sharing.

A panel discussion will identify key directions for research and
advocacy for the
immediate future to bring us closer to shared and integrated knowledge
in contemporary society.

All contributions will be Web-published on the CIDOC CRM Web-site
(http://cidoc.ics.forth.gr ).

Presentations may be 15 minutes or 30 minutes.

The Program committee reserves the right to refuse submissions.
Proposals, accompanied by an abstract of 100-300 words, and short cv,
should be sent to Dr. Martin Doerr, ( martin@ics.forth.gr ) by November
30, 2002.

The Symposium will be held at the Smithsonian's International Center in
Washington, D.C.  Attendance will be free and light refreshments will be
provided.  Participants are responsible for their own travel,
accommodation, and meal costs.

Apologies for cross-posting.

Please distribute this announcement as appropriate.

Martin Doerr


 Dr. Martin Doerr              |  Vox:+30(810)391625         |
 Principle Researcher          |  Fax:+30(810)391609         |
 Project Leader SIS            |  Email: martin@ics.forth.gr |
               Information Systems Laboratory                |
                Institute of Computer Science                |
   Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)   |
 Vassilika Vouton,P.O.Box1385,GR71110 Heraklion,Crete,Greece |
         Web-site: http://www.ics.forth.gr/isl                |

James said that he would be preparing a presentation for this Symposium which could be inclusive of the HumanML initiative, and Rex mentioned that our invited expert, Sylvia Candelaria deRam, had also expressed interest in preparing a paper for presentation to this symposium. Her field is Cognitive Sciences while James' field is Cultural Anthropology and Archeology, and unifying the data resources for this field ties directly into the work of the HumanMarkup TC. It was agreed that we would support both of these efforts to the best of our ability.

Rex also discussed the possibility of doubly our effective use of these materials by making them available to Susan Turnbull at the Universal Access Workshop series being conducted by the General Services Administration, and the federal government's xml working group co-chair Owen Ambur.

James also informed us that he would be in India next month, working on aspects of his field there, and therefore, would be unable to attendT our next meeting. There was also a brief further discussion of the RDF sample Manos will be working up for us, and the fact that we can accomplish much of the harmonization of our vocabularies by connecting the elements of our xml schemata to the reference resources of the application areas we wish to serve by the use of RDF.

We also discussed the group to which we had been referred, which had developed the Human Anatomy Markup Language, AnatML for which the web references had proven to be expired. James suggested we shift our focus for that resource to the group working on the Physiome Project at Princeton University, at http://www.physiome.com. This has proven to now be a commercial enterprise, and contact with it has been deferred until after our next meeting, which will include this as an item on the agenda.

That concluded the new business that was brought forward and the meeting was then adjourned.

Rex Brooks
Starbourne Communications Design
1361-A Addison, Berkeley, CA 94702 *510-849-2309
http://www.starbourne.com * rexb@starbourne.com

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