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Subject: RE: [huml-comment] Request for a motion on PC-33 -Section 4.4.6-r ace

Title: RE: [huml-comment] Request for a motion on PC-33 -Sect
Thanks, Len,

I understand this a little better now. I'm afraid I'm more concerned with a compelling reason to remove the attribute race from the attributeGroup phyicalDescriptors. I am satsified that we can get to the current usages through this set of properties method. As of now, for me, the argument that it is not objective is sufficient, and if were not a term used in current practices, it would be compelling in an of itself, but with current usages, however one views those usages, it doesn't rise to the level of compelling for me and I would be happier with a clearly compelling reason the completely trumps current usages, which can nevertheless still be accommodated. That does not mean I favor retaining it. I don't.


At 9:01 AM -0600 12/5/02, Bullard, Claude L (Len) wrote:
I'm not sure "derived" is exactly right.   If in fact, one can't say it is a physical
characteristic native to an instance, one can say it can be created as a sign
whose prototypical properties (in the Sowa sense of a prototype as a set
of properties that taken together, determine set membership) are derivable
from HumanML primary types.   Using the example I provided earlier,
A = Asian
B = Black
I = Indian
W = White
U = Unknown
one sees a term followed by a codelist.   What HumanML could provide
would be a set of properties for the term, race, which could then be used
to make a selection from that set given an instance.   That set might
include rules or might be a simple prototype such as slots with values for physical
characteristics common to members of the set, historical origins, and so on.
(In practice, this is hard to do, but I think that difficulty itself is valuable
in focusing the community of interest's use of the term; that in fact,
the real value of the term will decline.)
Note:  the same approach would apply to declaring prototypes for
races of trolls, woodland, plains, mountain, or otherwise.   So this
is not special pleading, but precisely how HumanML is intended
to be used.
Thanks to Dennis for pointing this one out.  It provides a good
example of how HumanML can be applied to a term of contention
such that typical users of the term can clarify precisely how
this term is defined below the level of the initial codelist.
-----Original Message-----
From: Rex Brooks [mailto:rexb@starbourne.com]

 I would prefer a stronger reason than that it simply can be shown to be non-objective despite current usages, and it can be derived from the existing PBS in a secondary schema, and it can be imported or declared from other interoperable resources. Those are sufficient, but not compelling reasons, whether reapplicable or not.

Rex Brooks
Starbourne Communications Design
1361-A Addison, Berkeley, CA 94702 *510-849-2309
http://www.starbourne.com * rexb@starbourne.com

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