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Subject: Draft Minutes of ICOM TC Meeting, February 17, 2010

Minutes of ICOM TC Meeting, February 17, taken by Eric S. Chan




1.   Roll Call

2.   Approve draft minutes from Feb 3 TC Meeting

3.   Review the concomitant representation of Bond in UML and RDF

4.   Review Laura and Deidre’s proposal for structuring ICOM Spaces

5.   Drafting ICOM specification in OASIS templates

6.   AOB


1. The following eligible members were present


Laura Dragan

Eric Chan


2.   Approve draft minutes from Feb 3 TC Meeting


Approval was deferred.


3.   Review the concomitant representation of Bond in UML and RDF


We revised the model of Bond (see figure below) to include the BondSchema and PropertyDefinition for specifying the type of the subject and objects of the bond, as well as any extensible properties in the bond. The extensible properties can represent the annotation, provenance, and attribution information.




The reification statements serve as the conceptual framework for isomorphic mapping of Bond objects between UML and RDF representations. We note that it is often not necessary to materialize the reification statements since the primary objective should be to translate the bond entity relations to the RDF triples rather than to the reification of the triples.


The following examples provided the context for the discussions.


The RDF triples comprising an n-ary relation associate the same subject and property with n-1 values.  For example, the tertiary relation “Project-SubUnit(Project, SP1, SP2)” between a project and two subprojects is represented by two triples <Project   hasSubUnit   SP1> and <Project  hasSubUnit  SP2> that associate the subject “Project” and property “hasSubUnit” with the objects SP1 and SP1.


As a counterpart to the RDFS vocabulary for specifying the domain and range of a property,  we introduced BondSchema and PropertyDefinition to specify the types of the properties represented by the bonds. For example, the BondSchema for “Project-SubUnit” bond can contain two PropertyDefinition’s to specify the types of the “subject” and “objects” attributes of the bond.  The types of the “subject” and “objects” attributes can represent, respectively, the domain and range of “hasSubUnit” property. The PropertyDefinition for the “objects” attribute specifies that the attribute is an aggregate.


The RDF reification statement can add the annotation, provenance, and attribution information. For example, in the following reification of the “hasSubUnit” property on the “Project” space, the “Project-SubUnit” becomes a subject that has provenance information “stipulatedBy” and “stipulatedOn” about the “hasSubUnit” property on the “Project” space.


Project-SubUnit          rdf:type                   rdf:Statement

Project-SubUnit          rdf:subject             Project

Project-SubUnit          rdf:predicate         hasSubUnit

Project-SubUnit          rdf:object               SP1

Project-SubUnit          rdf:object               SP2

Project-SubUnit          stipulatedBy          Plan:85649

Project-SubUnit          stipulatedOn         September 9, 2009


Provenance properties in the RDF reification, besides the rdf:type, rdf:subject, rdf:predicate, and rdf:object properties of the "reification quad," can be represented by an extensible set of properties in the bond object. The range of the provenance property can be specified by the type in the PropertyDefinition, however the domain of the properties are implicitly specified by the bond schema, i.e. the type of the bond subject. For example, the “Project-SubUnit” bond can contain two additional properties for “stipulatedBy” and “stipulatedOn.” The property definitions for “stipulatedBy” and “stipulatedOn” in the bond schema for “Project-SubUnit” can specify “Project-Plan” for the range of “stipulatedBy” property and Date for the range of “stipulatedOn” property.


4.   Review Laura and Deidre’s proposal for structuring ICOM Spaces


Laura proposed that ICOM Space should support hierarchical structures similar to the ICOM Community and Folder hierarchies. It should not require Bond to represent subspace relationships. ICOM specification may treat Space hierarchy as an optional feature.


5.   Drafting ICOM specification in OASIS templates


Discussion deferred.


6.   AOB


Category and Bond provide the extensibility of classes and properties for ICOM. In the RDF representation we define Bond as a subclass of rdf:Statement, which is an instance of rdf:Class. If we define Category as a subclass of rdf:Class, instances of Category are classes that can be applied to an entity. A category application on an entity can be construed as a classification of the entity.


A Category object can represent the domain or range of properties. A Category object can hold the property definitions for the properties whose domain is represented by the category object. The type in the PropertyDefinition specifies the range of the property while the category object itself implicitly specifies the domain of the property.


The following UML model for Category and CategoryApplication shows that properties for the entities can be extended by attaching category applications on the entities.


Category Schema.jpg



The Meeting was adjourned.

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