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Subject: Presentation: Application of ICOM for contextual collaboration in OOR

Hello all,


I am presenting the application of ICOM for “Enabling Contextual Collaboration in Open Ontology Repository” to the OOR community tomorrow. Please refer to the call detail at http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OOR/ConferenceCall_2010_11_19 where the presentation slides will be posted.



The Open Ontology Repository provides repository services for a wide range of ontological resources. The OOR architecture should provide spaces for discussion, creation, maintenance, and collaboration on those resources. That will require general content management repositories and collaboration services. Two OASIS TC’s, namely Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) TC and OASIS Integrated Collaboration Object Model (ICOM) for Interoperable Collaboration Services TC, are defining standards to promote interoperability of content management repositories and collaboration services. CMIS v1.0 is an approved standard with an open source implementation provided by Apache Chemistry.


ICOM is a framework for integrating a broad range of domain models for collaboration. ICOM adopts the CMIS domain model for Folder, Document, Version Control, and Relationship.  ICOM complements the content management domain with Community, User, Group, Role (directory domain of LDAP), Space (team workspace), Category (taxonomy), and Tag. ICOM extends the content management domain to represent Unified Message, Calendar, Task List, Address Book, Blog, Wiki, Forum, Conference, Presence, Social Network, and other collaboration artifacts. ICOM TC members are editing a draft of that standard and incubating a Java Persistence API (JPA) prototype framework. The ICOM POJO classes are portable to any JPA provider. It is appropriate to release the POJO classes independently of the JPA prototype framework under an appropriate open source library license.


I will be providing an overview of the ICOM model and the JPA prototype framework to illustrate the value-add that ICOM can bring to the services of the Open Ontology Repository.




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