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Subject: [ihc] subcommittees early in the TC process?

First, good to meet you.
Second, I know there are some committees at the Medical Banking Project ( www.mbproject.org ) that might serve as some starting categories. John Casillas ( johnc@mbproject.org ) is very interested in promoting interoperability in whatever way he can.
I've also been watching the http://www.friends-partners.org/GLOSAS/ project for sometime now and their work suggests the areas of e-health (in this case, 'e-health' is broadband internet based medicine) and accompanying distance education.

Ed Dodds

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Read <Conmergence/>
---- Original message ----
>Date: Tue, 17 Aug 2004 07:32:34 -0700
>From: Rex Brooks <rexb@starbourne.com
>Subject: [ihc] An Article on Legal Constraints in US, A Question about Issues 
>To: ihc@lists.oasis-open.org
>   Hi Folks,
>   Since I keep an eye on Healthcare issues, I noticed this article
>   today. One of my own conclusions as I have researched this domain off
>   and on over the last 3 years has been the lack of global standards for
>   IT other than the broadest ones covered in ISO 11179, and some
>   topic-specific issues. I would be interested to hear whether there are
>   significant and similar barriers in Europe and Asia, as if
>   localization wasn't difficult enough on its own, especially with
>   different character sets. However, as with many IT issues, the legal
>   aspects, and the IPR aspects also need to be addressed. So, here's the
>   article:
>   http://www.informationweek.com/story/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=29100518
>   And, here's the question:
>   Should we consider establishing subcommittees early in the TC process?
>   The question relates to the specificity of gathering requirements for
>   legal issues specifically. As a member of the Web Services for Remote
>   Portlets TC, I can vouch for the fact that there just isn't enough
>   warm bodies working on behalf of corporate members to take on any
>   significant work outside the specific purview of our scope, and our
>   experience with relying on other TCs to produce their specs in a
>   timely way to aid in our ongoing work has been somewhat disappointing,
>   though neither unexpected, nor particularly troubling yet. For
>   instance,  we have had to wait for a year for WSS to reach its
>   milestone for producing its first suite of specifications, we now face
>   the task of imlementing those standards and gathering feedback from
>   those implementations. This then must be factored into WSRP 2.0 if we
>   can, though, in fact, we may not have enough feedback during the
>   timeframe we have established for developing WSRP v2.0. I don't know,
>   obviously, so I can't point out whether, in fact, this is a
>   large-enough concern to warrant being included in the ihc work.
>   However, uptake of standards, wherever they are produced is something
>   that needs to be addressed, so I think that an IHC Legal SC would be a
>   good idea.
>   If we are to liaise with other TCs to produce specifications needed in
>   this domain, we need to be as specific as we can be to avoid tasking
>   others to survey a field for specific issues before beginning the work
>   of writing standards to bridge those issues.
>   BTW, Legal is just one particular domain. For an exercise in how
>   complex these issues will be, consider how many different specs there
>   are for defining what a "person" or "address" is.
>   Just thought I would pass this little reminder along.
>   Regards,
>   Rex Brooks
>   P.S. I am using the long form of my signature here this once so those
>   of you joining in this initial period can get an idea of what my
>   interests are. I will add my membership in this TC once I am sure that
>   I fit into the work here.
> --
>   Rex Brooks
>   President, Stabourne Communications Design
>   Executive Director, Humanmarkup.org, Inc.
>   Co-Chair, Secretary, OASIS HumanMarkup Technical Committee
>   Co-Chair OASIS Human Physical Characteristics Description Markup
>   Language Subcommittee
>   Member, OASIS Web Services for Remote Portlets Technical Committee
>   Member,  OASIS Web Services for Remote Portlets-Primer Subcommittee
>   Member OASIS Emergency Management Technical Committee
>   Co-Chair Emergency Management Notification Methods and Messages
>   Subcommittee
>   Member, OASIS Emergency Management Geospatial Information Services
>   Subcomittee
>   GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison, Berkeley, CA, 94702 USA, Earth
>   W3Address: http://www.starbourne.com
>   Email: rexb@starbourne.com
>   Tel: 510-849-2309
>   Fax: By Request

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