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Subject: Re: [kmip] 64-bit binary alignment proposal v2 document

I had reversed the NO and YES numbers in my mind, sorry

Anthony Nadalin | Work 512.838.0085 | Cell 512.289.4122

Inactive hide details for Matt Ball ---05/15/2009 09:53:44 AM---Hi Tony,Matt Ball ---05/15/2009 09:53:44 AM---Hi Tony,


Matt Ball <Matthew.Ball@Sun.COM>


Anthony Nadalin/Austin/IBM@IBMUS


"kmip@lists.oasis-open.org" <kmip@lists.oasis-open.org>


05/15/2009 09:53 AM


Re: [kmip] 64-bit binary alignment proposal v2 document

Hi Tony,

Here is a link to the OASIS TC process for voting: 

I don't see anything in these procedures that would require anything but a simple majority (i.e., the number of 'yes' votes exceed the number of 'no' votes).  Is there a rule somewhere else that requires a full majority in this context?

Here's the text:

2.13 TC Voting

TC votes require a Simple Majority Vote to pass, except as noted elsewhere in this Process. All TC ballots requiring a Special Majority Vote for approval must be conducted by the TC Administrator; the TC Chair shall notify the TC Administrator that a motion has been made which requires a Special Majority Vote, and the TC Administrator shall set up and conduct the ballot.

Eligibility: A Member of a TC must have voting rights to make or second a motion, and must have voting rights at the time a ballot is opened in order to vote on that ballot. Every Voting Member of a TC has a single vote. Organizations do not vote in TCs. Proxies shall not be allowed in TC voting.

Electronic Voting: TCs may conduct electronic ballots, either by using the TC’s general mail list or the publicly archived electronic voting functionality provided by OASIS. The minimum period allowed for electronic voting shall be seven days; the TC may specify a longer voting period for a particular electronic ballot. Any Specification Ballot conducted as an electronic ballot must permit each voter to choose "yes", "no" or "abstain."

A motion to open an electronic ballot must be made in a TC meeting unless the TC has adopted a standing rule to allow this motion to be made on the TC’s general email list. When such a rule has been adopted, motions made on the mail list must also be seconded and discussed on that list.

Matt Ball wrote:


      How did this ballot fail?  Here are the results from the OASIS ballot:

      Quick Summary of Voting Results:
      - Yes received 19 Votes
      - No received 15 Votes
      - Abstain received 4 Votes

      38 of 42 eligible voters cast their vote before the deadline.

      The number of 'yes' votes exceeded the number of 'no' votes.


      Anthony Nadalin wrote:
          Folks, the subject ballot failed, so please lets discuss this on the
          list on how we can reach agreement, seems there are still issues
          between 32 or 64 alignment that needs to be solved, then there is the
          proposal itself.

          Anthony Nadalin | Work 512.838.0085 | Cell 512.289.4122


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