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Subject: Re: [kmip] October KMIP Interop

Hello Tim.

MDS Intelligence Inc. (Former Hancom)  will participate the interop test.

The following people will be participating on my team.



Sun-Ho, Lee


Su-Yeol, Cho


Best regards,


----- ìë ëìì -----
ëë ìë: Tim Hudson <tjh@cryptsoft.com>
ëë ìë: OASIS KMIP Technical Committee <kmip@lists.oasis-open.org>
ëì: 2023-09-22 06:37:30
ìë: [kmip] October KMIP Interop

Could all the vendors who have indicated they are participating in the interop please confirm this to the list so we know who will be participating. 

I'll contact each person who confirms their participation to the list to organise contact details and meetings related to interop once we have the participant list confirmed.

The process for the interop is at https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=71286&wg_abbrev=kmip

The test cases for the interop (which I plan to get an update to correct items raised on the list) are at 


ììí / êíëì  Sun-ho Lee / Ph.D.
ìììêì / ëëììììëë ëììêì CSêëí   Senior Research Engineer / CyberSecurity Development Team
T +82-31-601-4358   M +82-10-9123-6173   F +82-31-601-4013   E sunho.lee@mdsit.co.kr
(ì)MDSìíëìì (ê (ì)íììíëìì)  www.mdsit.co.kr

13487 êêë ìëì ëëê íêë 228ëê 17 íêìëëìëë 2ëì 1ë 9ì

MDS Intelligence Inc. (Former Hancom Intelligence Inc.)

9F Pangyo Seven Venture Valley, 17, Pangyo-ro 228 beon-gil, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, 

Republic of Korea 13487

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