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legalxml-chairs message

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Subject: Discrepancies in membership lists, voting rights and revenues

Patrick et al:

LegalXML is in the midst of an election for at large representatives
using a voting formula that was worked out between the secretary of the
steering committee and OASIS staff last year.

In reviewing the lists of members compared with the voting list I noted
that there were the following entities and individuals who were listed
as eligible to vote but whose membership fees were never reported to
LegalXML and therefore presumably whose fees were not credited to our
available funds either during 2006 or as budgetary funds for 2007.

They were the following entity members:

New York State Office of Court Administration DoT
Thales eSecurity
Thomson Corporation

The following individuals fall into the same category:

Chester Ensign
Steffen Frederiks
Eileen Wood

I also found one reportedly paid entity member who did not appear as an
eligible voter for voting purposes on the ballot:

Tata Consultancy Services , IN

Since reporting these discrepancies to Dee and Cathie Mayo yesterday, I
recalled from memory the following active members who have not been put
on any lists and therefore do not appear to have paid fees, because they
were inadvertently deleted through KAVI during the year and apparently
were never reinstated despite requests to do so.

Dan Greenwood, MIT, Chair of the eContracts TC

Dave Marvit, Fujitsu, member of the steering committee from the
eContracts TC.

I roughly estimate that as much as 10% of our revenues may have been
underreported as a result, which may be sorely needed by the EFTC for
publicizing its standard and both it and eNotary for consultancy work.

In addition, we have had two false starts in our elections and there is
a current election now in progress.

It is my intention to have the SC consider its various options at the
January 10 meeting. I request that staff be available to address these
concerns at that time. I understand that these omissions were likely
unintentional, but I believe the situation needs to be rectified at the
earliest possible time.

Thank you.

Best regards.

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