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Subject: Re: [legalxml-courtfiling] Salt Lake minutes

Title: RE: [legalxml-courtfiling] Salt Lake minutes
I would like to extend Roger's concern on "asking, ..., for input, help finding flaws and problems" in item 2)
It is my impression that no matter how hard you try, or how much input you solicit, until you force interoperability you will not be able to flush out assumptions.  One implementation will interpret something one way and another will interpret it completely different.  Assumptions are difficult to see until code exposes the breaking points.
I support the certification sub-committee Tom Clarke is heading.  Here is a quote from his recent draft Certifications Requirements 1:

1. Objective

    The business objective of certification is to ensure interoperability of electronic filing applications using Legal XML standards. The Java certification process imposes what is probably the most exhaustive set of certification test suites ever required to make the claim of "write once; run anywhere" credible. For the same reason, the Legal XML certification test suite must comprehensively exercise the complete Legal XML electronic filing architecture.




----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2002 9:52 AM
Subject: RE: [legalxml-courtfiling] Salt Lake minutes

Thank you, Gary, for a response to my questions that helped me understand a bit more about the reasons for wanting a lighter tool to work with than we'd have with a specification that includes everything everyone might possibly think of.


I agree with you that a great advantage of XML is that recognizable words are used in the tags and non-technical people can see how their business concerns are included. There could be many ways to get buy-in from such folks: a) focus on specific portions of the specification they're likely to be interested in, b) organize specifications so the required elements and attributes appear first, or at least separately, or show up in different colors or fonts to distinguish them from the optional, or c) build presentations appropriate for the audience and draw from the specifications those examples that will help them understand (and approve) the work.


I'm glad to read that you and Dallas believe that Schema will make it much easier to handle many issues, because we have said we are moving to Schema for the Court Filing specification, in "2.0" and subsequent versions. I haven't heard anyone advocate for sticking with DTDs, except to ensure ongoing support for implementations built based on them.


Notes on your 6 points:


1)      It's great if someone actually would create the XSLT transformation to do what you describe. (I'm not sure that affects the need to have the specification, whatever it contains, maintained intact and entire by the Technical Committee, and I don't think that makes the Technical Committee responsible for maintaining all such transformations as derivative specifications. Please correct me if I'm wrong.)


2)      I agree on the human readability advantages XML gives us and I hope our specifications are written to support the kind of work you and others will be doing with them. The way to make that happen is for those who understand the needs of those doing design, testing, debugging, and approval-getting to participate in drafting the specifications. Look at what we did when authoring our first specification: Court Filing 1.0 and 1.1 were largely worked out by Marty Halvorson from the New Mexico courts, and I (not a technical expert) edited the work by checking for typos and other nit-picky details and by rewriting narrative so it would be more easily understood by technical and non-technical readers. We really didn't have much direct participation in the authoring work by someone with insight into how design, testing, debugging, etc., would be affected by how the specification is organized, written, and presented. The specification was reviewed by many people and adopted by the TC, which is its real owner, but there was no one who stepped up and said, "I can reorganize this so it would be better for designers, etc." I'm sure we would have welcomed such a volunteer into the effort (assuming it wasn't last-minute). Neither Marty nor I (nor others who gave input) pretended to represent every perspective that might relate to using the specification. We just did the best we could, with Mary asking, again and again, for input, help finding flaws and problems, ideas for improvement, and volunteer time from whoever would and could help. I fear the same process is under way with Court Document 1.1, where the drafters perceive and are dealing with needs and issues they understand or believe they can address, but unless we open the specification development to bring in other perspectives to shape the final product, the specification we adopt will be subject to similar criticism. We simply need more worker bees bringing time and competencies into the specification development process. We have plenty of reviewer bees ready to ask questions, critique, and, ultimately, vote to approve.


3)      Absolutely right! The genius of XML is its extensibility. Court Filing 1.1 has explicit direction about how we are to set up any extensions of it. I believe our specifications may continue to unfold with increasingly detailed and sophisticated content as they are adopted for use in more and more subject matter areas. That is why we need close and professional attention to editing, version control, repositories, and other such dry, but necessary stuff. Personally, I hope that Court related specifications can be extended to cover all of the business of courts. I will resist extending those specifications to include things like chemistry, music, basket-weaving, or other non-court subjects. I think it is a good thing if we try to comprehend court business elements and attributes (over time), so XML will serve throughout our court organizations, which are not simple things.


4)      Yes, the required elements and attributes must be understood and endorsed by all. How do we make sure everyone knows what is required? Education is one way. Presentation within the specification might be another. Attention given by those with authority in our systems will be another. We all have to participate in making them stand out and work for everyone, since we make them requirements on everyone.


5)      We could use help in ensuring extensions are handled so they work as you state. Look at Court Filing 1.1 on how to create and implement extensions. Is that the correct way to approach them? Can you or someone else propose improvements or even a completely different way of handling extensions? That's what we need.


6)      I don't pretend to understand Schema technically, but I know lots of our people have praised it and said it offers answers for many of our needs. I frankly don't understand why we're not pouring energy and effort into developing the Schemas everyone wants and needs. Maybe it's because we don't have enough worker bees able and willing to give time and talent to the efforts. We are still an all-volunteer army with only a few out on the front lines.





Roger Winters

Electronic Court Records Manager

King County
Department of Judicial Administration

516 Third Avenue, E-609 MS: KCC-JA-0609

Seattle, Washington 98104

V: (206) 296-7838 F: (206) 296-0906



-----Original Message-----
From: Poindexter, Gary W [mailto:gpoindexter@kpmg.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 9:02 PM
To: Dallas Powell; legalxml-courtfiling@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: RE: [legalxml-courtfiling] Salt Lake minutes


Also for what it's worth:


1) If you want to "dumb down" the rendition (display) of the DTD, I'm betting there is someone on the list that could write an XSLT transformation that could provide a rendition of the DTD that only had required elements and attributes. This would eliminate the need for a separate DTD for reference purposes.

2) I disagree when people undervalue the human readability aspects of XML. I believe this to be a strength and a major reason for acceptance of XML as a standard for developing standards. It's true that the machines don't care, but I care when I have to design, document, test, debug and gain approval from non-technical or non-XML literate associates and customers.

3) "X" is for extensible. I do not believe that a "standard" such as the Court Filing DTD is or must be a total solution for every implementation (ideal, but not practical).

4) Required elements and attributes must be carefully evaluated because they must be understood by all implementations.

5) If an implementation extends the standard, the extensions should be easily identifiable by other implementations and well documented within the DTD or Schema.

6) I agree with Todd. The problems that you list, imho, would be easily solved with a Schema.




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