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legalxml-courtfiling message

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Subject: [legalxml-courtfiling] Query And Response Current Draft

Title: QnR/CMS API Subcommittee Meeting Oct. 2 - Please respond
Editing the little specifications document that goes along with the DTD took a lot longer than I anticipated.
I'm not the quickest documentarian you'll ever meet.  Arial-this... timesNewRoman-that... ARGH!!!
The document has still got some draft points in it (particular the 'new CMS entities' section.
Those will get cleanup soon.
I really wanted to get the thing in your hands today (even if only by my WestCoast time!)
I have attached the new draft specification, the proposed DTD(s) demonstrating the recently requested changes and my suggestion for how they might share elements from CourtFiling.
- Shane Durham
LexisNexis CourtLink

Attachment: QueryAndResponseStandardDraft2002_10_x.doc
Description: MS-Word document

Attachment: CourtFiling2002_02_18v2.dtd
Description: Binary data

Attachment: QueryAndResponse.dtd
Description: Binary data

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