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Subject: follow-up to Legal XML process survey initiative and other conferencecall discussion about use of LegalXML Court Filing

i have been reflecting on the conference call discussions from yesterday (9/2) and wish to share my thoughts with TC members.

1.  Familiarizing myself with the CTC8 conference participants yesterday pm... i learned that the Microsoft/Bearingpoint electronic court filing solution uses the current LegalXML specification.  pls read case study below .

a. Have BearingPoint and/or Microsoft, both OASIS members ( i believe), been contacted to complete the LegalXML survey?   if not, why not?   if so, as Don pointed out during the telcon yesterday.. why not leverage the OASIS membership for LegalXML support.  Maybe to contribute to the "BLUE" specification?  

b. with the expertise and energy these OASIS corporate members will bring to the table .. "BLUE" specification might be expedited.  They are claiming the standard developed as of this date why not sign them up for contributing to next version of the specification.

c. the case study i hope will be helpful to Mary in her contacts with State Court officials and players who have expressed concerns about LegalXML specification being "outdated"....  the idea is to extend the work.. and from reading this case study in Texas that is what these two corporations have done.

Not being aware of OXCI procurement outcome.... who knows what other player will enter the field to take the LegalXML court filing initiative into shades of "BLUE".


2.   I see an opportunity to explore support for the Court Document subcommittee activities contacting the OASIS member reps from BearingPoint and Microsoft.   The use of JXDD elements to build form-like court document schemas has began in an exploratory mode with Dr. Leff's work.  Bankruptcy Court forms are another possibility.  We have Legal XML Integrated Justice TC i believe about to launch work on building schemas for justice data capture forms...

we still have Mr. Chambers draft Court Document Schema and the work of the LegalXML Contract TC to capitalize on.

I am going to see if i can put something together to report at the next LegalXML Court Filing meeting.

3. Though not a member of the Process Subcommittee i would appreciate knowing which models are being reviewed by the SC members... so i can think about how the models can be leveraged by the Court Document SC.

4. Roger/Jim:  look forward to seeing a spec outline or TOC from you so i can provide comment.  Sorry i am unable to meet face to face with you.  Just point me to the TC spec model if you prefer and i can provide feedback that way.   My concern is that the LegalXML Court Filing specification package be service consumer oriented.  That it provide a comprehensive description of each component for electronic court filing.

5. John R. et al: the JXDD will be thoroughly discussed/presented at the CTC8 as far as i can see during the conference...  you may have already discovered this ... 
Tom Henderson, Paul Embley are leading discussions on National Perspective on information sharing policies, programs and actions: the focus of the panel will be on the policy issues surrounding information system deelopment in such areas as enterprise architecture, XML data dictionary, business reference models, national registry for justice information standards.

Tom Clarke's segment seems to directly address the use of JXDD from another perspective.

I am hoping to make a connection with the CIO, Ministry of Justice, Finland one of the speakers at the CTC8.. given the OASIS eGov TC interest as well as LegalXML Court Filing.

that's it for this morning.... diane

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