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Subject: RE: [legalxml-courtfiling] Upcoming Face-to-Face meetings--replyrequested

i will not be able to attend either meeting.   Starting next Monday i begin a new job at the Department of Transportation.  I am still going to maintain my membership in OASIS... but not sure exactly how my participation in LegalXML fits in...

I have a colleague who is an observer on the courtfiling TC  (Meng Lin) who can serve as a DOJ point of contact for the TC.

I wish to express my appreciation to all TC members and you for sharing your expertise and showing me many kindnesses over these past several years.   i have learned alot and benefited greatly through my association with LegalXML professionals.

indirectly i hope to continue collaborating with the TC's membership.   i will stay in touch and look forward to seeing the completion of Blue and subsequently many implementations of court filing.

thanks again.   diane

-----Original Message-----
From: Robin_Gibson@osca.state.mo.us
Sent: Friday, June 18, 2004 3:41 PM
To: robin_gibson@osca.state.mo.us
Cc: legalxml-courtfiling@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: Re: [legalxml-courtfiling] Upcoming Face-to-Face
meetings--reply requested
Importance: Low

At this time I have received only three replies indicating that they will
be able to attend a July meeting in Texas.  Unless I hear otherwise from
the TC, I will assume that this is an insufficient level of availability to
make it worth a face to face meeting and will not pursue any arrangements
with the NACM group.

So, since we need to get together for work on Blue, what is your pleasure
on a fall meeting?  September or October?  What location?  Any alternate
suggestions?  Or do you just want me to pick something and announce it?  I
will assume this is the case if I don't get feedback
Thanks and have a great weekend!.

Robin Gibson
Information Technology Division
Office of State Courts Administrator

Please note that my e-mail address is changing to:

                      state.mo.us               To:       legalxml-courtfiling@lists.oasis-open.org                                    
                      06/10/2004 02:34          Subject:  [legalxml-courtfiling] Upcoming Face-to-Face meetings--reply requested       

At this time we have no face-to-face meetings scheduled.  The first
proposal is to meet in conjunction with NACM in Grapevine, Tx., in July.
Potential dates are July 10-11 or July 16-17.  It is necessary to have a
minimum number of members able to attend to make it worth scheduling a
face-to-face meeting, so the chairs are requesting that you reply with your
ability and likelihood of attending in July.

Next, we need to determine meetings for the fall and winter.  Historically
we have met for the winter in Las Vegas, usually in conjunction with the
NCSC e-filing conference which is Dec 13-15.  This is our current tentative
plan, unless you as members voice a desire to do something else.

For a fall meeting we several options of locations including Seattle, WA;
Monterey, CA; Salt Lake City, UT; Macomb, IL.  Monterey has a potential to
meet in conjunction with the eContracts TC.

Please reply to this message including the follwing:
Ability/interest in meeting in July in Texas
Interest in meeting in Las Vegas in December
Interest in meeting in September/October timeframe in a yet-to-be
determined location.

Thank you!
Robin Gibson

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