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Subject: RE: [legalxml-courtfiling] Multiple Document Versions Option 4


  Thank you for sending out the domain model with the new proposal.  I believe is similar to the proposal generated from Shane's suggestions at the last Face To Face in Vegas (attached).  On the working group call where this was discussed, the proposal with a document within a document structure wasn't accepted and this was the reason for resubmitting the previous proposal.  I don't have my notes from the call with me, but I believe the reason it wasn't accepted was due to the confusion with metadata and the need for overlapping structures within the same Document structure.  Either way that the group decides, a document within a document or additional tags to relate two separate documents is fine with me.



-----Original Message-----
From: Cabral, James E. [mailto:JCabral@mtgmc.com]
Sent: Thu 4/19/2007 3:03 AM
To: legalxml-courtfiling@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [legalxml-courtfiling] Multiple Document Versions Option 4
In the TC meeting today, Gary Graham suggested a fourth option for supporting multiple document versions/renditions in ECF 3.1.   Here is a  possible domain model for that option which would separate out some elements from the current DocumentMetadata structure into a new DocumentRenditionMetadata structure.  Note that the DocumentSignature would need to be associated with the rendition since it may be based on the content (e.g. XMLsignatures).  Also note the addition of an officialVersionIndicator to the DocumentRenditionMetadata structure.

<<ECF 3.1 Multiple Document Versions Option4.zargo>> <<ECF 3.1 Multiple Document Versions Option4.gif>>   

Jim Cabral 

James E. Cabral Jr. 
MTG Management Consultants, L.L.C. 
1111 Third Avenue, Suite 3010 
Seattle, WA 98101-3292 
(206) 442-5010 
www.mtgmc.com <file://www.mtgmc.com>  

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