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Subject: [legalxml-enotary] First Meeting

ENotary TC Agenda for telephonic organizational meeting of September 19, 2002, 5 pm EDT
  1. Welcome and Introductions/roll call
  2. Assign roles of minute taker and editor
  3. Review OASIS TC process
  4. Review TC charter
  5. Define mission and relation to other TC's
  6. Discuss CALEA subworkgroup
  7. Consider joint meeting  with the American Bar Association Information Security Committee as first F2F
  8. Any other business
  9. Close
  10. Next call
We are limited to a maximum limit (but no minimum) of two hours for the call, so that any agenda item that is not covered will be carried over to a subsequent call. The final agenda item will be the next call, wherever we may otherwise be in the agenda when we close.
As we will be communicating telephonically, it will be necessary for each participant to join the call, which is hosted by a private company. The long-distance charges to the gateway are at the expense of the callers.
The conference ability is new to OASIS, so management is in the process of determining ground rules. The call-in number and call-in code will be sent to TC voting members by private, confidential email for the time being in a measure that is being tested to protect the closed nature of OASIS TC's.
A number of members of the TC have provided biographical material, which should prove helpful to acquaint the participants with each other despite the virtual setting.
I will reference a url in the private email where the biographies can be accessed as well as other information which may helpful to consult before the meeting.
I look forward to working with all of you.
Best regards.
John Messing


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