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legalxml-intercept message

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Subject: update on activity and proposed charter revision

Hi all,

This note provides an update on the activities of
the committee, as well as a proposed revised charter,
and meeting.

The past several months - while not manifesting
significant work of the committee - have nonetheless
underscored the fundamental growing importance of
subject matter and the proposed deliverables.
Unfortunately, the original ambitions of the
charter exceeded the resources available to deliver.

Over the past several months, several events have
ensued that help provide a path forward.  The Global
Standards Collaboration Conference (GSC8) meeting
in Ottawa in May, adopted Res. 11 relating to Lawful
Access and Interception collaboration among all
relevant parties and standards bodies to, inter alia,
develop global schema.  This resolution is expected
to spawn several global workshops to further the
objectives of the resolution.

The European Telecommunication Standards Institute
(ETSI) has entered into a liaison relation with
OASIS - especially to further the LI-XML work.

The substantial body of work on the Justice XML
Data Dictionary has been made available publicly.

The LI-XML committee has continued to attract
additional participants intent on progressing the
work of the group.

A draft revised charter is attached.  The revisions
primarily relate to bringing the charter into
alignment with the terms and LA/LI structure
of the Convention on Cybercrime - which is
increasingly serving as a unifying instrument
of international law in the sector.

In addition, the revisions focus on an initial
core deliverable of the LI-XML TC - the assembly
of a Global LI Data Dictionary - and related
activity (items 1-3).

We have also been fortunate in obtaining the
leadership of Robin Gape in undertaking the Global
LI Data Dictionary (GLIDD).  Robin is based in
the UK, and a highly respected expert in LA/LI
specifications both in conjunction with his work
at British Telecom, as well as long-time previous
chair of the ETSI LI Technical Committee.  He
presently serves as vice chair.  I'm also pleased
to note that considering this Data Dictionary
will also include LI ASN.1 modules, we are most
fortunate to have the world's foremost
expert in ASN.1 participating on the TC -
M. Olivier Dubuisson.

I would also propose a LI-XML TC face-to-face
meeting the week of 15 September in Boston,
Massachusetts.  The ETSI LI rapporteurs group
is meeting that same week in Boston, 16-18 Sep,
and it will serve as an excellent venue for

I welcome your feedback and participation.
We expect to move Robin's work to a separate
list, because it will likely generate considerable
specialized traffic directed at the GLIDD.




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