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Subject: Re: [legalxml-intjustice] Groups - sentence-order-schema-package.zip uploaded

As promised in the conference call, I've uploaded the partial schema
package to the TC site.

I say "partial", because I have not yet created a sample instance
document, which we agreed should be part of the package.  I should be able
to create that in the next week or so.  I have started one, and taken it
far enough to verify the basic integrity of the schemas and their

Nancy Rutter had suggested that I post a summary of the process used to
create the schema package.  Here's the recipe:

1.  Based on the mapping spreadsheet, create a subset package using the
subset schema generation tool.  (Editorial comment:  I found the tool to
be quite nice, fairly easy to use, and stable (I never ran into any killer
bugs, and the load/save and generation functionality worked as
advertised.))  The tool is at

2.  Create a directory named "subset", and unzip the contents of the
zipfile created by the subset tool into this directory.

3.  Use an XSLT transform engine to apply the stylesheet
make-constraint-schema-transform.xsl (included in the package) to the
subset schema (subset/jxdm/3.0/jxdm.xsd) that was unzipped in step 2. 
Name the output XML make-constraint-schema.xsl.

In terms of XSLT transform engines...I use Xalan, but any compliant engine
like Saxon or the Microsoft ones should work.  I'd appreciate feedback
from anyone who tries this on an engine other than Xalan.

4.  Edit make-constraint-schema.xsl (created in step 3) to tighten down
cardinality, and to make any other edits to the subset.  The idea is to
save this stylesheet (and update it as needed) for future transformations
on the subset, so that as you create new subsets (e.g., as new
requirements are uncovered, etc.) you don't have to remember all the rules
and reapply them from memory--you just rerun the stylesheet.  If your
subset changes substantially, then you can always regenerate
make-constraint-schema.xsl by rerunning step 3, and start over with new

(I've included make-constraint-schema.xsl in the package for illustration,
but remember that it gets generated in step 3 and then edited.)

5.  Use an XSLT transform engine to apply stylesheet
make-constraint-schema.xsl (created in step 4) to the subset
(subset/jxdm/3.0/jxdm.xsd) that was unzipped in step 2.  Name the output
XML constraint-schema.xsd.  This is your constraint schema.  You should
not edit this by hand.

(I've included constraint-schema.xsd in the package, but remember it gets
generated, and should not be edited.)

6.  Create extension-schema.xsd.  This has to be created by hand.  It
contains all of your reference-document-specific extensions.  Note how it
will import constraint-schema.xsd, plus any schemas that define any other
namespaces referenced in the extension schema.

7.  Create document-schema.xsd.  This is a very simple schema that simply
identifies an element from constraint-schema.xsd or (more typically)
extension-schema.xsd as the root element of the instance document.  It is
referenced in instance documents using the xsi:schemaLocation attribute on
the root element.  Note how it imports the extension-schema.xsd.

8.  Use the document schema.  You'll probably want to create a sample
instance for illustration purposes.  But a typical "real-world" scenario
for using the document and extension schemas will be to populate the
<types> section of a WSDL document that defines a SOAP web services
message exchange.

And that's about it...hope this is helpful to you all.  Please let me know
if you have questions/comments.

One note about the stylesheet...I believe it adheres to all of the rules
on the subset rules page
including the cardinality rules and "don'ts" at the bottom.  In
particular, it preserves the order of elements, which is being shown in
performance testing to make a big difference in performance.  It basically
preserves all the structures in the subset generated by the online tool,
but allows you to apply changes in a safe, repeatable, manageable way.


> The document sentence-order-schema-package.zip has been submitted by
> Scott Came (scott@justiceintegration.com) to the OASIS LegalXML
> Integrated Justice TC document repository.
> Document Description:
> Schema package for sentence order reference document
> Download Document:
> http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/legalxml-intjustice/download.php/8943/sentence-order-schema-package.zip
> View Document Details:
> http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/legalxml-intjustice/document.php?document_id=8943
> PLEASE NOTE:  If the above links do not work for you, your email
> application may be breaking the link into two pieces.  You may be able
> to copy and paste the entire link address into the address field of your
> web browser.
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