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Subject: California Data Exchange Standards Invitation to Comment

Title: California Data Exchange Standards Invitation to Comment--Draft

The Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) has published for public comment a set of proposed specifications for exchanging data electronically with the California trial courts. The Technical Standards for Data Exchange project developed specifications for seven high-value exchanges between the court and justice partners.  Please see http://aocweb.jud.ca.gov/invitationstocomment/aproposals.htm to review and comment on the specifications.  The deadline for commenting on the specifications is February 28, 2005

These exchanges are an initial part of the effort to develop a comprehensive set of specifications, initially focusing on criminal case exchanges. They include the following:

Six of the seven specifications went out for public comment in early 2004. Since that time, the exchanges have been updated and brought into conformance with the most recent major release of GJXDM, an XML standard developed through the federal Office of Justice Programs and gaining widespread acceptance by justice partners at the federal, state, and local levels. The traffic citation exchange specification was modified to include citation amendments, photo red light, and elements used in the CHP Automated Citation Device pilot project. The criminal complaint exchange specification was revised so it can be used for information filings and amended complaints. The set was also expanded to include specifications for exchanging Domestic Violence Restraining Order and Criminal Protective Order information.

The Data Exchange Standards Working Group, appointed by the Judicial Council's Court Executives Advisory Committee, has carefully reviewed the data exchange specifications to ensure that they meet court business needs. This group consists of court staff from the Superior Courts of Alameda, Contra Costa, Fresno, Los Angeles, Marin, Orange, Sacramento, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, San Bernardino, San Diego, and Ventura Counties.

These specifications will be used as the basis for developing information exchanges between the courts and justice partners when transitioning to the California Case Management System and utilizing the Integrated Services Backbone.


Christopher Smith
Business Systems Analyst
Information Services Division
Judicial Council of California - Administrative Office of the Courts
455 Golden Gate Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94102-3688
415-865-7416, Fax 415-865-7497, christopher.smith@jud.ca.gov
www.courtinfo.ca.gov <http://www.courtinfo.ca.gov>

"Serving the courts for the benefit of all Californians"

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