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Subject: RE: [legalxml-sc] RE: [legalxml-ms] Transcripts TC membership needed

It used to be in the old days that all depositions were filed with the court both in state and federal proceedings, at least in Arizona, as late as the late 70's but the volume of paperwork needed to be stored caused this practice to be discontinued.

Now with electronic filing it seems to be coming back. The Arizona Court of Appeals Division Two (Mo Abdulaziz' court) is requiring all electronic transcripts in a case to be electronically filed.

Also, lawyers often quote transcripts in briefs. Having a cut and paste function from a common DTD or schema could prove very helpful in the future.

As I understand Diane's suggestion, she is proposing to remove CourtDocument from CourtFiling and merge it with Transcripts, so the strain on the CourtFiling TC's resources would presumably drop, not increase

Is this correct Diane?

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "Winters, Roger" <Roger.Winters@METROKC.GOV>
Date:  Wed, 24 Mar 2004 08:21:20 -0800

>I'll chime in to agree with Don on this. There are many kinds of
>transcripts, not always related to a court case. In our court, and no doubt
>others, the verbatim transcript of proceedings is not considered part of the
>court file, so it would be inappropriate to group it with other documents
>that would be filed there. It is, of course, a form of record for the court,
>but it's handled differently, even with different custodians. Don's
>observation about the vocabulary issue is critical, so I also say "Ditto!"
>to that.
>Roger Winters
>Continuing Legal Education (CLE) Coordinator
>Electronic Court Records Manager
>King County
>Department of Judicial Administration
>516 Third Avenue, E-609 MS: KCC-JA-0609
>Seattle, Washington 98104
>V: (206) 296-7838 F: (206) 296-0906
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Bergeron, Donald L. (LNG-DAY) [mailto:Donald.Bergeron@lexisnexis.com] 
>Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2004 6:55 AM
>To: 'Diane.Lewis@usdoj.gov'; 'john@greacen.net'; 'SC'
>Cc: Bergeron, Donald L. (LNG-DAY)
>Subject: [legalxml-sc] RE: [legalxml-ms] Transcripts TC membership needed
>I, for one believe that transcripts are a very different and distinct
>doctype from a basic court document. We should when the effort is restarted,
>design around a harmonization with the vocabulary used across the Member
>Section wherever practical.
>I would not want to spread court filing any thinner than it is today.
>Donald L. Bergeron
>Systems Designer
>937-865-1276 O
>937-748-2775 H
>937-672-7781 M
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Diane.Lewis@usdoj.gov [mailto:Diane.Lewis@usdoj.gov]
>Sent: Monday, March 22, 2004 7:59 AM
>To: 'john@greacen.net'; 'legalxml-ms@lists.oasis-open.org'
>Subject: RE: [legalxml-ms] Transcripts TC membership needed
>perhaps Transcript can be folded into Court Document.  Has the Steering
>Committee  entertained the thought of extracting Court Document from Court
>Filing TC? diane
>-----Original Message-----
>From: john@greacen.net [mailto:john@greacen.net]
>Sent: Friday, March 19, 2004 2:31 PM
>To: legalxml-ms@lists.oasis-open.org
>Subject: [legalxml-ms] Transcripts TC membership needed
>Importance: Low
>The Transcripts TC has been inactive for some time.  The Steering
>Committee and OASIS management are planning to close the TC unless some
>Legal XML Member Section members step forward with interest in
>developing a specification(s) for transcripts.
>It would be unfortunate not to have XML standards for this important
>component of the justice process.  Some initial work has been done over
>the past several years.  However, if we have no persons interested in
>working actively on this task, there is no reason to keep a Technical
>Committee that exists in name only.
>If you are interested in participating in a rejuvenated Transcripts TC,
>please let me know by April 1.  If we do not receive sufficient
>expressions of interest, we will close the TC in early April.
>John M. Greacen
>Greacen Associates, LLC
>HCR 78, Box 23
>Regina, New Mexico 87046
>505-289-2163 (fax)
>505-780-1450 (cell)
>To unsubscribe from this mailing list (and be removed from the roster of the
>OASIS TC), go to
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