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legalxml-transcripts-comment message

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Subject: First document model comment

Dear All
I was wondering whether the current draft could be improved by splitting out orthogonal concerns into separate schemas, reusing existing schemas where possible:
a) the structure of a printed transcript i.e. day, page, line, timestamp (i.e.what you describe as the “physical model”)
b) structure of a court document – title sheet with parties etc. (already in legalxml?)
c) the structure of dialog between multiple named persons of various types see http://reference.kfupm.edu.sa/content/t/o/towards_a_minimal_standard_for_dialogue__126547.pdf
d) specialisation of c) to types of persons in court – judge, witness, counsel etc.
e) specialisation of c) for court dialog types: question answer speech comment etc.
A full transcript might be a composition of these various namespaces. I am reading and writing a), but want to defer the requirement for tools to read and write b) to e).

Robert Onslow
X Legal Ltd.

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