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Subject: OASIS NEWS: OASIS to Host XML-DEV List

OASIS to Host XML-DEV List

Boston, MA, December 15, 1999--OASIS, the Organization for the Advancement
of Structured Information Standards, unveiled plans to host the XML-DEV mail
list through its industry portal, XML.org. Since 1997, XML-DEV has served as
an open, unmoderated list supporting XML implementation and development. In
the closing plenary of the XML 99 conference today, Prof. Peter Murray-Rust
of the University of Nottingham (UK) announced that XML-DEV, presently
hosted by Imperial College (UK), will soon become an OASIS resource.

"We are very excited that XML-DEV has found a permanent home at OASIS," said
Murray-Rust, who created XML-DEV with Dr. Henry Rzepa of Imperial College
(UK).  "We strongly support the role OASIS plays in the industry as a
neutral, trusted organization and are confident that XML-DEV will be a
natural fit with XML.org. We also wish to express our gratitude to Imperial
College for hosting the list for three years."

XML-DEV, which has global membership of approximately 1500, averages more
than 1200 postings a month from XML developers around the world. It
emphasizes active participation through code development, creation of
protocols and specifications, and other material contributions such as
reference resources.

"OASIS looks forward to hosting XML-DEV," commented Mary McRae (DMSi), chief
marketing officer of OASIS. "XML-DEV played a critical role in coordinating
software development while the XML specification was in draft, and many
important resources have been announced over the years."  As the most
significant XML-DEV contribution, McRae cited the development of the SAX API
for XML parsers, constructed by over 100 members on the list and coordinated
by David Megginson. SAX is now universally accepted as a de facto standard.

"As the oldest public XML discussion list, XML-DEV has played an essential
part in the evolution of structured information standards," said Jon Bosak
(Sun Microsystems), organizer of the working group that created XML.  "In
the early days, XML-DEV was our only avenue for getting public input to the
design of the specification.  The work of Dr. Rzepa and Prof. Murray-Rust in
maintaining this forum over the last three years has contributed
immeasurably to XML's adoption and implementation.  It is fitting that this
vital fixture of the XML community should continue under the sponsorship of
the organization that's devoted to the free and open development of
standards based on XML."

The XML-DEV transition to OASIS will take place over the next few weeks and
details will be announced on XML-DEV and the OASIS web sites,
http://www.oasis-open.org and http://xml.org.

OASIS (http://www.oasis-open.org) is a non-profit, international consortium
dedicated solely to product-independent data and content interchange.
Focusing on product interoperability, OASIS embraces the complete spectrum
of structured information standards including XML, SGML and CGM. OASIS
sponsors include Adobe Systems, Aerospatiale, AND-USA, Arbortext, Bentley
Systems, Boeing, Bowstreet, Chrystal Software, Cohesia, Commerce One,
CommerceNet, Corel, DataChannel, DMSi, Documentum, Dun & Bradstreet,
eCredit.com, Enigma, Extricity Software, GCA, IBM, InformIT, Informix,
InterCAP, Interleaf, Interwoven, ISOGEN, ITEDO, JetForm, Keyfile, Microsoft,
NextPage, NII Enterprise Promotion Association, NIST, Object Design, Object
Management Group (OMG), Open Applications Group, Oracle, ProNet Technology
Partners, Reed Technology, Reuters, Sabre, Sequoia Software, SoftQuad,
Software AG, STEP, Sun Microsystems, Synthbank, Wavo, Xerox, XMLSolutions
and XyEnterprise.

About XML.org
XML.org (http://xml.org) is a self-supporting community resource designed to
provide a credible source of accurate, timely information about the
application of XML in industrial and commercial settings. Hosted by OASIS,
the world's leading independent organization for the standardization of XML
applications in electronic commerce, XML.org serves as a reference for XML
DTDs, schemas and related information. Sponsors of XML.org include: Commerce
One, DataChannel, Documentum, GCA, IBM, Oracle,
SAP, SoftQuad and Sun Microsystems.

#  #  #

For more information: Carol Geyer, Program Manager, OASIS,
+1.412.963.1479, geyer@oasis-open.org

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