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Subject: Re: taxonomy discussion at OASIS


This subject has been tackled by a few bold individuals.  The idea I put
forth was to allow multiple classification schemes within a specified
information model.  The RA can allow semantic references suggested by
the SO or Data Steward to be referenced from the repository item.  An
Example which may work is a fictional "Skateboard" company.   They may
have a regrep item which contains all the information about their
business including their products.  The document instance could appear
similar to this:

 	<classification  Scheme="NAICS"
	<classification  Scheme="UNSPSC"
	<classification  Scheme="UPC-FRANCAIS" value="10764001051">Board du

This model would allow for efficient retrieval of items by writing a
parser handler that can iterate through the child elements of each
<item> element seeking for a attribute value equivalent to a recognized
Scheme.  A contextual query can also seek for a match on an attribute
value of a recognized scheme and return a hash of positive matches in a
business case where a user was intending to locate manufacturer's of a
specific item.  Becuase there can be multiple schemes employed for each
product or item,  there are no inherent limitations (hence scalability,

This is also not limited to items for manufacture.  

I believe that the OASIS, ebXML and UDDI registry models should contain
information models which allow  multiple classification schemes.  Those
who wish to re-invent the wheel are free to do so and those who use
existing standards are also accomodated.

My $0.02 CAD worth (now about $0.013 USD :(  )

Duane Nickull

Karl Best wrote:
> I've been noticing lately a bit of discussion related to taxonomies in the
> XML e-business space. In particular, most e-business efforts require some
> sort of registry/repository to store information about companies with whom
> an organization may do business with, and the registry needs some way to
> classify the businesses for simple searching. For instance,
> * The XML.org Registry stores schemas based on keywords, but needs a
> taxonomy for better retrieval, as does the XML.org Portal which is seeking
> to provide XML information sorted by vertical industry.
> * The ebXML registry/repository will store information about businesses, but
> I'm not sure if a taxonomy has yet been defined.
> * UDDI will register businesses for the purpose of discovery, and has
> selected for taxonomies NAICS, UNSPSC, an unnamed geographic taxonomy, and a
> general purpose keyword classification (see
> http://uddi.org/pubs/UDDI_XML_Structure_Reference.pdf page 25).
> There's a real need to select a good taxonomy (or taxonomies) to classify
> businesses and industries for the work that we're doing in creating
> e-business registries. Notice that I say "select" and not "create" -- I
> don't believe that XML experts should try to reinvent the wheel by creating
> new taxonomies when there are better trained and more experienced people in
> this field who do this stuff for a living. Robin Cover has done a bit of
> research into the subject and has written a background on some of the many
> taxonomies now available; see
> http://www.oasis-open.org/cover/classification.html. Perhaps one or more of
> these taxonomies would work for what we need.
> I've set up an email list where we can discuss the use of taxonomies in the
> XML e-business space. I'd like to discussed whether it's possible to select
> an existing taxonomy that would meet the needs of ebXML, UDDI, XML.org,
> etc., what the pros and cons of various taxonomies are, and what criteria we
> should use to select them. The ultimate goal of this list would be the
> creation of an OASIS technical committee, which would select taxonomies for
> use at OASIS and XML.org as well as make recommendations to other standards
> goups.
> This is an opt-in discussion list: to participate you must subscribe to the
> discussion list by sending a message to
> taxonomy-discuss-request@lists.oasis-open.org with the word "subscribe" as
> the body of the message. After you are subscribed, you may send messages for
> the list to taxonomy-discuss@lists.oasis-open.org.
> </karl>
> ============================================================
> Karl F. Best
> OASIS - Director, Technical Operations
> 978.667.5115 x206
> karl.best@oasis-open.org  http://www.oasis-open.org

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