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Subject: [OASIS members] Last Call: Interop Summit Call For Papers

The second Interoperability Summit will be held 27-28 June 2002
(Thursday and Friday) at the Caribe Royale Hotel in Orlando, Florida.
Sponsor organizations include HR-XML, OASIS, OMG, and XBRL. Please mark
your calendar and take note of the agenda outlines and call for
presentations below.

                Day 1 Scope Statement

Chair: Karl Best, Director, Technical Operations, OASIS

Day One will focus on tactics for:
 * encouraging collaboration between standards groups;
 * removing barriers to interoperability; and
 * managing against duplication of effort.

If you have a related presentation, send your proposal by 10 May to:

                Day 2 Scope Statement

Chair: Ms. Karen D. Larkowski,
       Executive Vice President,
       The Standish Group

There are various initiatives to define a core vocabulary and related
best practices to enable electronic business. The specific scope,
methodologies, and deliverables of these initiatives vary, but broadly
speaking, they are directed at delivering libraries of business content,
models schema design best practices. These initiatives include:
 * UN/CEFACT's eBusiness Transition Working Group (eBTWG)
 * ASC X12's E-Business Cross-Industry XML architecture
 * OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC
 * Open Applications Group Integration Specification
 * OMG's Model Driven Architecture Initiative
The purpose of the second day's program is to explore these initiatives.
It is not assumed that there is one best approach to building a broad
library of base business documents. Nor is it assumed that only one
library will meet all needs. However, clarification of the goals,
timelines, and scope connected with the work of these groups would be
beneficial for the entire e-business standards community. The
Interoperability Summit provides a multi-lateral, neutral venue where
this information can be shared and opportunities for convergence and
synergies between these groups can be explored.

Proposals for related presentations should be sent by 10 May to:

Is your organization interested in participating as a sponsor of this
event? Sponsor organizations have responsibility for helping finance and
plan the event. We are readying a press release announcing the summit
and would welcome additional sponsors in this period before the summit
announcement. Please contact me or send your proposal to the summit
planning mailing list (cm@omg.org).

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